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  • The Academic Writer's Toolkit : A User's Manual

Berger's slim, user-friendly volume on academic writing is a gift to linguistically-stressed academics. Author of 60 published books, the author speaks to junior scholars and graduate students about the process and products of academic writing. He differentiates between business writing skills for memos, proposals, and reports, and the scholarly writing that occurs in journals and books. He has suggestions for getting the "turgid" out of turgid academic prose and offers suggestions on how to best structure various forms of documents for effective communication. Written in Berger's friendly, personal style, he shows by example that academics can write good, readable prose in a variety of genres.

dissertationsebooksemailsessaysorganisationresearch proposalstylethesis statementwriting

Berger's slim, user-friendly volume on academic writing is a gift to linguistically-stressed academics. Author of 60 published books, the author speaks to junior scholars and graduate students about the process and products of academic writing. He differentiates between business writing skills for memos, proposals, and reports, and the scholarly writing that occurs in journals and books. He has suggestions for getting the "turgid" out of turgid academic prose and offers suggestions on how to best structure various forms of documents for effective communication. Written in Berger's friendly, personal style, he shows by example that academics can write good, readable prose in a variety of genres.

  • TED Talk: Diving into deeper learning

The complex issues we face today require a key set of problem-solving skills. How can schools best prepare students to be ready to take on these challenges? How can they help ensure students have the "deeper learning" skills of critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and metacognition, as well as have the content knowledge they need? Presented by Marc Chun, Education Program Officer at the Hewlett Foundation.

learning approaches

The complex issues we face today require a key set of problem-solving skills. How can schools best prepare students to be ready to take on these challenges? How can they help ensure students have the "deeper learning" skills of critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and metacognition, as well as have the content knowledge they need? Presented by Marc Chun, Education Program Officer at the Hewlett Foundation.


Science and Society Lecture. 03-02-25

communicationsconnectivityelectrical engineeringelectronic engineeringinternetsciencesocial mediatechnology

Science and Society Lecture. 03-02-25

Science and Society Lecture - 21st February 2017

communicationsconnectivityelectrical engineeringelectronic engineeringinternetsciencesocial mediatechnology

Science and Society Lecture - 21st February 2017

Sci­ence and So­ci­ety Lec­ture 5th March 2019

carboncarbon capturecarbon storageenergyfocus groupspublic attitudessciencescience and societyscience communicationtechnology

Sci­ence and So­ci­ety Lec­ture 5th March 2019

Science and Society Lecture 7th March 2017

carboncarbon capturecarbon storageenergyfocus groupspublic attitudessciencescience communicationtechnology

Science and Society Lecture 7th March 2017

Science and Society Lecture 1st March 2016

biologycarboncarbon capturecarbon storagedataenergyfocus groupsfrackingpublic attitudessciencescience communicationsocietysurveytechnology

Science and Society Lecture 1st March 2016

Science and Society Lecture 28th January 2020

communicationsmobile technologyscience and societytechnologythe internet

Science and Society Lecture 28th January 2020

Pre-Sessional 2009


Pre-Sessional 2009

Diploma 2010

communicationnon-verbal communicationspsychologysociology

Diploma 2010

Diploma Lecture 9 2005-2006


Diploma Lecture 9 2005-2006

GPC/Pre-sessional Lecture 2008


GPC/Pre-sessional Lecture 2008

UPC 2011

communicationhistory of sciencemediasciencesociety

UPC 2011

Diploma Lecture 2008

communicationshistory of sciencemediapoliticspublic policyscience

Diploma Lecture 2008


Diploma 2014


Diploma 2014

Diploma Lecture March 2014


Diploma Lecture March 2014

  • Get Rid of Your Accent for Business: Pt. 3

  • Linda James and Olga Smith , Business and Technical Communication Services Limited , 2012

This excellent book is a must-have addition to the "Get Rid of Your Accent" - course


This excellent book is a must-have addition to the "Get Rid of Your Accent" - course

  • Arhur C Clarke - The Science and the Fiction

  • Heather Cooper

In October 1945, the magazine Wireless World published an article by a relatively unknown writer and rocket enthusiast. Its title was: "Extra-Terrestrial Relays: Can Rocket Stations Give World Wide Radio Coverage?" Today, the author's name is known throughout the world. He is the science fiction writer Arthur C Clarke, and his prediction of satellite communications has come true in ways even he never imagined. Heather Couper travels to Sir Arthur's home in Sri Lanka to hear his own story.

In October 1945, the magazine Wireless World published an article by a relatively unknown writer and rocket enthusiast. Its title was: "Extra-Terrestrial Relays: Can Rocket Stations Give World Wide Radio Coverage?" Today, the author's name is known throughout the world. He is the science fiction writer Arthur C Clarke, and his prediction of satellite communications has come true in ways even he never imagined. Heather Couper travels to Sir Arthur's home in Sri Lanka to hear his own story.

  • Alien Empire

  • Christopher O'Toole , BBC Books , 1995

This book, and the television series it accompanies, open the doors into a world that we have never seen. We discover the design miracle of insects' bodies; their sophisticated communication systems; their fast and furious reproductive systems, and much more about their strange structures and lives. As this book shows, in their looks and behaviour, insects are as close to an alien lifeform as any we are likely to find in the stars


This book, and the television series it accompanies, open the doors into a world that we have never seen. We discover the design miracle of insects' bodies; their sophisticated communication systems; their fast and furious reproductive systems, and much more about their strange structures and lives. As this book shows, in their looks and behaviour, insects are as close to an alien lifeform as any we are likely to find in the stars

  • Cambridge English for Job-hunting

  • Colm Downes , Cambridge University Press , 2008

"Cambridge English for Job-hunting" is for upper-intermediate to advanced level learners of English who need to use English during the job application process. The course can be used in the classroom or for self-study. Ideal for working professionals and those new to the world of employment, the course develops the specialist language knowledge and communication skills that job-seekers need to apply for and secure jobs.


"Cambridge English for Job-hunting" is for upper-intermediate to advanced level learners of English who need to use English during the job application process. The course can be used in the classroom or for self-study. Ideal for working professionals and those new to the world of employment, the course develops the specialist language knowledge and communication skills that job-seekers need to apply for and secure jobs.

  • English in Agriculture

  • Alan Mountford , Oxford University Press , 1977

This book is aimed at developing a basic knowledge of how English is used for communication in dealing with topics in agriculture. Intended for students who already know how to handle the common English sentence patterns but who need to learn how these patterns are used to convey information and to conduct coherent discussion


This book is aimed at developing a basic knowledge of how English is used for communication in dealing with topics in agriculture. Intended for students who already know how to handle the common English sentence patterns but who need to learn how these patterns are used to convey information and to conduct coherent discussion

In the wake of the resignation of the Downing Street\'s head of communications Andy Coulson, Dispatches charts the unfolding events in the phone hacking scandal.

hackingmedia and newsnewspapersscandaltabloid

In the wake of the resignation of the Downing Street\'s head of communications Andy Coulson, Dispatches charts the unfolding events in the phone hacking scandal.

This programme looks at the ways language is used and abused. While not everyone approves of \'bad\' language, Stephen learns that swearing plays an important part in human communication the world over.

anthropologyhumanitiesidentitylanguage learningsociety

This programme looks at the ways language is used and abused. While not everyone approves of \'bad\' language, Stephen learns that swearing plays an important part in human communication the world over.

Some of the best and most up-to-date communication satellites in the world are designed and built in Stevenage in Britain. With exclusive access to specialist manufacturer Astrium, this programme shows step-by-step how to assemble one of the most complicated machines.


Some of the best and most up-to-date communication satellites in the world are designed and built in Stevenage in Britain. With exclusive access to specialist manufacturer Astrium, this programme shows step-by-step how to assemble one of the most complicated machines.

In just seven years, Mark Zuckerberg has gone from his Harvard college dorm to running a business with 800 million users, and a possible value of $100 billion. His idea to 'make the world more open and connected' has sparked a revolution in communication, and now looks set to have a huge impact on business too.

businesscomputer sciencedocumentary-exercisefacebookfinanceinternetonline exercisesocial media

In just seven years, Mark Zuckerberg has gone from his Harvard college dorm to running a business with 800 million users, and a possible value of $100 billion. His idea to 'make the world more open and connected' has sparked a revolution in communication, and now looks set to have a huge impact on business too.

Professor Jim Al-Khalili investigates one of the most important concepts in the world today - information. He discovers how we harnessed the power of symbols, everything from the first alphabet to the electric telegraph through to the modern digital age.

communicationinformationmediamedia and newsphilosophy

Professor Jim Al-Khalili investigates one of the most important concepts in the world today - information. He discovers how we harnessed the power of symbols, everything from the first alphabet to the electric telegraph through to the modern digital age.

Portrait of legendary comedian Richard Pryor which chronicles his life from his troubled youth to his meteoric rise as one of the most respected - and controversial - comic actors of the 20th century.

actingbiographycomedymediarichard pryor

Portrait of legendary comedian Richard Pryor which chronicles his life from his troubled youth to his meteoric rise as one of the most respected - and controversial - comic actors of the 20th century.

Professor Ben Garrod explores how skin has evolved remarkable ways to enable animals to communicate with each other, from vibrant displays of colour to skin pouches to amplify sound.

natural worldscience and naturescience and technology

Professor Ben Garrod explores how skin has evolved remarkable ways to enable animals to communicate with each other, from vibrant displays of colour to skin pouches to amplify sound.

How we finally came to understand the science of electricity.

communicationdigital revolutionelectricityenergyengineeringhistory of sciencephysicspowerscience

How we finally came to understand the science of electricity.

Speech-making is the art of persuasion. Well-honed rhetoric appeals not just to the mind, but to the heart and, deeper down, in the guts. Examining the speeches that provoked radical change, surprised pundits or shocked listeners, poet Simon Armitage dissects what makes a perfect speech.


Speech-making is the art of persuasion. Well-honed rhetoric appeals not just to the mind, but to the heart and, deeper down, in the guts. Examining the speeches that provoked radical change, surprised pundits or shocked listeners, poet Simon Armitage dissects what makes a perfect speech.