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Edward de Chazal
Certificate 2004. Final Lecture
- Lectures
- Business & Management
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- 60
Certificate 2004. Final Lecture
Ethics and Finance - A Preliminary Perspective
Peter J Clark
Pre-sessional lecture 16/06/2009
- Lectures
- Business & Management
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- 49
Pre-sessional lecture 16/06/2009
Financial Information Systems
D. Bruce Weber
GPC Lecture 2006
- Lectures
- Business & Management
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- 60
GPC Lecture 2006
Human Aspects of Leadership in Business
Richard Pettinger
Diploma Lecture 16 2005-2006
- Lectures
- Business & Management
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- 60
Diploma Lecture 16 2005-2006
Introduction to Management (with transcript)
Richard Pettinger
GPC 2008
- Lectures
- Business & Management
- No subtitles
- 60
GPC 2008
Leadership and Management
Richard Pettinger
Diploma 2010
- Lectures
- Business & Management
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- 50
Diploma 2010
Leadership: The Transformation of Management
Richard Pettinger
Diploma Lecture 2011
- Lectures
- Business & Management
- No subtitles
- 51
Diploma Lecture 2011
Leading and Building a Culture of Integrity: Does Corporate Culture Rest on Regulation or Core Values?
Peter Neville Lewis
Diploma Lecture 2012
- Lectures
- Business & Management
- No subtitles
- 63
Diploma Lecture 2012
Matters of Exchange: Commerce, Medicine & Science in the Dutch Golden Age
Professor Harold J Cook
Diploma 2009
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- Business & Management
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- 54
Diploma 2009
Project Management
Dr Paul Griseri
Diploma Lecture 3 2005-2006
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- 60
Diploma Lecture 3 2005-2006
Follow the Leader, Episode 1
Carolyn Quinn
Carolyn Quinn looks under the bonnet of leadership in this two-part series, from business to politics and sport. What traits do you need to become a great leader? Is leadership 'in the blood' or can you train people to develop the right skills?
Carolyn Quinn looks under the bonnet of leadership in this two-part series, from business to politics and sport. What traits do you need to become a great leader? Is leadership 'in the blood' or can you train people to develop the right skills?
Follow the Leader, Episode 2
Carolyn Quinn
Carolyn Quinn examines the psychology of leadership. Once you've secured your position as leader, how do you deal with the demands at the top? The level of media attention across all sectors, from politics to football, means that today's leaders are under more scrutiny than ever before. In the last episode, Carolyn explores the challenges of modern leadership, from stepping up to the top job, to stepping down.
Carolyn Quinn examines the psychology of leadership. Once you've secured your position as leader, how do you deal with the demands at the top? The level of media attention across all sectors, from politics to football, means that today's leaders are under more scrutiny than ever before. In the last episode, Carolyn explores the challenges of modern leadership, from stepping up to the top job, to stepping down.
In Business - DC Rider
Peter Day
What does it take to get an electric car off the ground? Lots of effort and endless patience, explains California-based inventor Lon Bell. He talks to Peter Day about his vision of transforming city life with the introduction of a new breed of electric vehicle. The all-electric, battery-powered electric car that Lon Bell designed is called the G-Wiz, and is now available in the UK.
What does it take to get an electric car off the ground? Lots of effort and endless patience, explains California-based inventor Lon Bell. He talks to Peter Day about his vision of transforming city life with the introduction of a new breed of electric vehicle. The all-electric, battery-powered electric car that Lon Bell designed is called the G-Wiz, and is now available in the UK.
In Business - Do It Like Deming
Peter Day
The cult of quality is now taken for granted in business. It was inspired by a single American guru, the late W Edwards Deming, whose ideas shocked the world when they were first picked up in Japan in the 1950s. But there's more to Deming than merely the pursuit of quality. And many of his other ideas still have the power to transform the way people work... and the way companies operate. That's what his disciples say, anyway.
The cult of quality is now taken for granted in business. It was inspired by a single American guru, the late W Edwards Deming, whose ideas shocked the world when they were first picked up in Japan in the 1950s. But there's more to Deming than merely the pursuit of quality. And many of his other ideas still have the power to transform the way people work... and the way companies operate. That's what his disciples say, anyway.
The Reith Lectures 2005 - 01 Collaboration
Lord Broers
When I returned to this Engineering Department from the USA in 1984 my wife and I bought an historic and wonderful house some ten miles south of Cambridge. It was built around 1520, a date that could be substantiated to within a decade by the form of the oak beams that comprised its floors and ceilings. These had been shaped by iron blades that only lasted about ten years. Being someone of the present rather than the past I had not previously been much preoccupied with history but living in the splendid oak structure - like a fine sailing vessel that had gone aground - inspired me to wonder what had preoccupied the technologists and scientists of that age...
When I returned to this Engineering Department from the USA in 1984 my wife and I bought an historic and wonderful house some ten miles south of Cambridge. It was built around 1520, a date that could be substantiated to within a decade by the form of the oak beams that comprised its floors and ceilings. These had been shaped by iron blades that only lasted about ten years. Being someone of the present rather than the past I had not previously been much preoccupied with history but living in the splendid oak structure - like a fine sailing vessel that had gone aground - inspired me to wonder what had preoccupied the technologists and scientists of that age...
When Ralph Waldo Emerson reputedly and memorably said that the world would beat a path to the door of a person who made a better mousetrap, he was perhaps being unduly optimistic, but at least he realised that the mousetrap had to be made and that it would not be sufficient merely to have an idea, or even a patent, for a better mouse trap. Ideas have to be proven to be useful, and the world told about them, before any paths are beaten. Profound changes have taken place in the development of ideas and their translation in to the market place and in my third Reith lecture I argue that this innovation revolution demands a new approach to research and product development...
When Ralph Waldo Emerson reputedly and memorably said that the world would beat a path to the door of a person who made a better mousetrap, he was perhaps being unduly optimistic, but at least he realised that the mousetrap had to be made and that it would not be sufficient merely to have an idea, or even a patent, for a better mouse trap. Ideas have to be proven to be useful, and the world told about them, before any paths are beaten. Profound changes have taken place in the development of ideas and their translation in to the market place and in my third Reith lecture I argue that this innovation revolution demands a new approach to research and product development...
Cambridge English for Job-hunting
Colm Downes , Cambridge University Press , 2008
"Cambridge English for Job-hunting" is for upper-intermediate to advanced level learners of English who need to use English during the job application process. The course can be used in the classroom or for self-study. Ideal for working professionals and those new to the world of employment, the course develops the specialist language knowledge and communication skills that job-seekers need to apply for and secure jobs.
- 9780521722155 107338
- Special Interest
- Business & Management
- 1 copies
- B1 B2 C1 C2
"Cambridge English for Job-hunting" is for upper-intermediate to advanced level learners of English who need to use English during the job application process. The course can be used in the classroom or for self-study. Ideal for working professionals and those new to the world of employment, the course develops the specialist language knowledge and communication skills that job-seekers need to apply for and secure jobs.
Britain\'s top bankers helped bring the economy to the brink of ruin; their gambling triggered thousands of job losses and exposed taxpayers to over a trillion pounds of possible risk. In this edition of Dispatches, journalist Jane Moore investigates exactly how much these former bosses have been rewarded for these failings - and how much they are still raking in.
- TV-Recordings
- Business & Management
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- 50
Britain\'s top bankers helped bring the economy to the brink of ruin; their gambling triggered thousands of job losses and exposed taxpayers to over a trillion pounds of possible risk. In this edition of Dispatches, journalist Jane Moore investigates exactly how much these former bosses have been rewarded for these failings - and how much they are still raking in.
Dispatches - What's in Your Breakfast?
Channel 4
In this edition of Dispatches, reporter Jane Moore reveals how nutritious the nation\'s breakfasts really are and the marketing techniques employed by this lucrative industry.
- TV-Recordings
- Business & Management
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- 48
In this edition of Dispatches, reporter Jane Moore reveals how nutritious the nation\'s breakfasts really are and the marketing techniques employed by this lucrative industry.
In just seven years, Mark Zuckerberg has gone from his Harvard college dorm to running a business with 800 million users, and a possible value of $100 billion. His idea to 'make the world more open and connected' has sparked a revolution in communication, and now looks set to have a huge impact on business too.
- TV-Recordings
- Business & Management
- No subtitles
- 60
In just seven years, Mark Zuckerberg has gone from his Harvard college dorm to running a business with 800 million users, and a possible value of $100 billion. His idea to 'make the world more open and connected' has sparked a revolution in communication, and now looks set to have a huge impact on business too.
Broadly considered a brand that inspires fervour and defines cool consumerism, Apple has become one of the biggest corporations in the world, fuelled by game-changing products that tap into modern desires.
- TV-Recordings
- Business & Management
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- 60
Broadly considered a brand that inspires fervour and defines cool consumerism, Apple has become one of the biggest corporations in the world, fuelled by game-changing products that tap into modern desires.
Steve Jobs: iChanged the World
Channel 4
The story of Steve Jobs, featuring a rare interview and providing a unique insight into what made him tick.
- TV-Recordings
- Business & Management
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- 48
The story of Steve Jobs, featuring a rare interview and providing a unique insight into what made him tick.
This major new series tells the untold story of how big business feeds us by transforming simple commodities into everyday necessities and highly profitable brands. The first episode tells the extraordinary story of how the bottled water industry has grown from nothing to become one of the biggest success stories in the modern food and beverage industry in just 40 years.
- TV-Recordings
- Business & Management
- English subtitles
- 60
This major new series tells the untold story of how big business feeds us by transforming simple commodities into everyday necessities and highly profitable brands. The first episode tells the extraordinary story of how the bottled water industry has grown from nothing to become one of the biggest success stories in the modern food and beverage industry in just 40 years.
This major new series tells the untold story of how big business feeds us by transforming simple commodities into everyday necessities and highly profitable brands.
- TV-Recordings
- Business & Management
- English subtitles
- 60
This major new series tells the untold story of how big business feeds us by transforming simple commodities into everyday necessities and highly profitable brands.
This final episode tells the story of how yoghurt has been transformed from an unknown hippy food into a super food in 40 years. Along the way, yoghurt has driven a health revolution in the modern food business.
- TV-Recordings
- Business & Management
- English subtitles
- 60
This final episode tells the story of how yoghurt has been transformed from an unknown hippy food into a super food in 40 years. Along the way, yoghurt has driven a health revolution in the modern food business.
In the teeth of the worst financial crisis in living memory, BBC business editor Robert Peston examines how the world got to this point and how the collossal imbalances in the global economy have left the UK in need of a radical economic overhaul.
- TV-Recordings
- Business & Management
- No subtitles
- 60
In the teeth of the worst financial crisis in living memory, BBC business editor Robert Peston examines how the world got to this point and how the collossal imbalances in the global economy have left the UK in need of a radical economic overhaul.
In the second of two programmes Peston asks how Britain can compete in the new world economic order. After years of living beyond our means the country surely needs to wean itself off the consumer society, but doing so threatens our retail dependent economy.
- TV-Recordings
- Business & Management
- No subtitles
- 60
In the second of two programmes Peston asks how Britain can compete in the new world economic order. After years of living beyond our means the country surely needs to wean itself off the consumer society, but doing so threatens our retail dependent economy.