Welcome to the Self-Access Centre materials database

Welcome to the Self-Access Centre materials database. Here you can find out about the English materials we have in the SAC and explore our online materials. They were designed to help you improve your English skills. All of the video materials, including films and documentaries, are available to be watched online. Log on with your UCL id and password to watch them!

You can now  watch a short introduction on how to use some of the fea­tures of the SAC web­pages:

Recommended film

New materials in the SAC!

Our ex­pe­ri­enced team of Eng­lish tu­tors from UCL Cen­tre for Lan­guages and In­ter­na­tional Ed­u­ca­tion has de­vel­oped these new on­line ex­er­cises to help you im­prove your Eng­lish. They are very use­ful and a lot of fun. Try one of the Lunch Hour Lectures Exercises. You will im­prove your lis­ten­ing skills, note-tak­ing skills and vo­cab­u­lary, while watch­ing one of the world re-known lec­tures from UCL.

Or you can try do­ing one of the Reading and Listening Exercises. The top­ics cho­sen by our tu­tors are fun and in­ter­est­ing and you will prac­tise com­pre­hen­sion of writ­ten and spo­ken texts, as well as as­pects of gram­mar and vo­cab­u­lary. These new ma­te­ri­als cover a range of dif­fi­culty lev­els and you can choose the one that is ap­pro­pri­ate for you. They are in­ter­ac­tive, mean­ing that you can ask for help while do­ing the ex­er­cises. You will also re­ceive im­me­di­ate feed­back.

We hope you en­joy the Self-Ac­cess Cen­tre. Good luck!