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  • ClicaBrazil

The Portuguese language lessons of ClicaBrasil highlight aspects of Brazilian culture. They are designed for intermediate to advanced students, but are accessible to everyone. Each lesson includes videos of Brazilians from all walks of life speaking natur

The Portuguese language lessons of ClicaBrasil highlight aspects of Brazilian culture. They are designed for intermediate to advanced students, but are accessible to everyone. Each lesson includes videos of Brazilians from all walks of life speaking natur


Global Language Online Support System is a database of interactive language lessons from the Defense Language Institute. Lessons contain authentic audio and video texts, activities, glossaries, and links for further information on the topics.

activitiesaudioculturegrammarlanguage learningvideo

Global Language Online Support System is a database of interactive language lessons from the Defense Language Institute. Lessons contain authentic audio and video texts, activities, glossaries, and links for further information on the topics.

  • Instituto Camões

Institute established for the promotion of the Portuguese language and culture world-wide

Institute established for the promotion of the Portuguese language and culture world-wide

  • Language Atlas

This website provides fact files and language tasters

This website provides fact files and language tasters

The most important personalities in the world of politics, business, culture and sport are the "Big Interview" help us to understand the pulse of today and the course of events.


The most important personalities in the world of politics, business, culture and sport are the "Big Interview" help us to understand the pulse of today and the course of events.