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  • Bab.la

Bab.la language portal offers you dictionary translations, language quizzes & games, vocabulary lessons for learning and much more. bab.la is interactive: You can enter your own translation, create your own language test or your own vocabulary flashcards

Bab.la language portal offers you dictionary translations, language quizzes & games, vocabulary lessons for learning and much more. bab.la is interactive: You can enter your own translation, create your own language test or your own vocabulary flashcards


Global Language Online Support System is a database of interactive language lessons from the Defense Language Institute. Lessons contain authentic audio and video texts, activities, glossaries, and links for further information on the topics.

activitiesaudioculturegrammarlanguage learningvideo

Global Language Online Support System is a database of interactive language lessons from the Defense Language Institute. Lessons contain authentic audio and video texts, activities, glossaries, and links for further information on the topics.

  • Portuguese Language

A site dedicated to facts about the Portuguese language and some language skills

A site dedicated to facts about the Portuguese language and some language skills