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A look at the one environment that's been made by us for us - the city. Over half of the world's population now lives in the urban jungle. The city is built to keep untamed nature out - but nature can't be pushed away. From bed bugs sucking our blood at night to rats in our restaurants, many animals have adapted to a life with us.
- British-Sign-Language
- British-Sign-Language
- Natural World
- BSL subtitles
- 60
A look at the one environment that's been made by us for us - the city. Over half of the world's population now lives in the urban jungle. The city is built to keep untamed nature out - but nature can't be pushed away. From bed bugs sucking our blood at night to rats in our restaurants, many animals have adapted to a life with us.
Brazil Inside Out - Programme 03
BBC , 2006
During the 19th century, rubber made the Amazon port of Manaus, in the middle of the world's largest rainforest, one of the richest cities in the world.
- Course Videos
- English subtitles
- 30
During the 19th century, rubber made the Amazon port of Manaus, in the middle of the world's largest rainforest, one of the richest cities in the world.
Brazil Inside Out - Programme 04
BBC , 2006
São Paulo is the third biggest city in the world, after Tokyo and Mexico City. 17 million inhabitants, 4 million automobiles and 10,000 miles of streets, make Sao Paulo one of the most congested cities in the world. It has one of the worst crime rates in the world with 1500 murders last year, compared to New York's 671.
- Course Videos
- English subtitles
- 30
São Paulo is the third biggest city in the world, after Tokyo and Mexico City. 17 million inhabitants, 4 million automobiles and 10,000 miles of streets, make Sao Paulo one of the most congested cities in the world. It has one of the worst crime rates in the world with 1500 murders last year, compared to New York's 671.
Barcelona*s official website. Contains maps of the city as well as information for residents and visitors alike on events, culture, leisure, transportation in the city and others. In Spanish.
Barcelona*s official website. Contains maps of the city as well as information for residents and visitors alike on events, culture, leisure, transportation in the city and others. In Spanish.
Discover Madrid through the city's official website. Includes, among others, information on culture, leisure and sport, transportation in the city, and economic activity and finance. In Spanish.
Discover Madrid through the city's official website. Includes, among others, information on culture, leisure and sport, transportation in the city, and economic activity and finance. In Spanish.
Yomiuri Online
The Yomiuri Shimbun is a Japanese newspaper published in Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, and other major Japanese cities. It is part of the Yomiuri Group, Japan's largest media conglomerate. It is one of the five national newspapers in Japan; the other four are the Asahi Shimbun, the Mainichi Shimbun, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, and the Sankei Shimbun.
The Yomiuri Shimbun is a Japanese newspaper published in Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, and other major Japanese cities. It is part of the Yomiuri Group, Japan's largest media conglomerate. It is one of the five national newspapers in Japan; the other four are the Asahi Shimbun, the Mainichi Shimbun, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, and the Sankei Shimbun.
Nanjing! Nanjing! (City of Life and death)
Chuan Lu , 2009
n 1937, Japan occupied Nanjing, the Chinese capital. There was a battle and subsequent atrocities against the inhabitants, especially those who took refuge in the International Security Zone.
- Films
- English subtitles
- 132
n 1937, Japan occupied Nanjing, the Chinese capital. There was a battle and subsequent atrocities against the inhabitants, especially those who took refuge in the International Security Zone.
Qing hong (Shanghai Dreams)
Xiaoshuai Wang , 2005
In the 1960\'s, encouraged by the government, a large number of families leave Chinese cities to settle in the poorer regions of the country, in order to develop local industry.
- Films
- English subtitles
- 2005
In the 1960\'s, encouraged by the government, a large number of families leave Chinese cities to settle in the poorer regions of the country, in order to develop local industry.
Cities and Eco-cities in China
Austin Williams , 2018
Pre-sessional Lecture 21.08.2018
- Lectures
- No subtitles
- 59
Pre-sessional Lecture 21.08.2018
Book of the Week - Persian Fire
Tom Holland
In 480 BC, Xerxes, the King of Persia, led an invasion of mainland Greece. Its success should have been a formality. For seventy years, victory - rapid, spectacular victory - had seemed the birthright of the Persian Empire. In the space of a single generation, they had swept across the Near East, shattering ancient kingdoms, storming famous cities, putting together an empire which stretched from India to the shores of the Aegean. As a result of those conquests, Xerxes ruled as the most powerful man on the planet. Yet somehow, astonishingly, against the largest expeditionary force ever assembled, the Greeks of the mainland managed to hold out.
In 480 BC, Xerxes, the King of Persia, led an invasion of mainland Greece. Its success should have been a formality. For seventy years, victory - rapid, spectacular victory - had seemed the birthright of the Persian Empire. In the space of a single generation, they had swept across the Near East, shattering ancient kingdoms, storming famous cities, putting together an empire which stretched from India to the shores of the Aegean. As a result of those conquests, Xerxes ruled as the most powerful man on the planet. Yet somehow, astonishingly, against the largest expeditionary force ever assembled, the Greeks of the mainland managed to hold out.
Continuing the week\'s theme of Germany\'s floating frontiers, Neil MacGregor visits two cities now beyond Germany\'s present borders, but which played important roles in Germany\'s intellectual and literary history.
Continuing the week\'s theme of Germany\'s floating frontiers, Neil MacGregor visits two cities now beyond Germany\'s present borders, but which played important roles in Germany\'s intellectual and literary history.
Neil MacGregor focuses on the Bauhaus school of art and design, founded in Weimar in 1919. Our cities and houses today, our furniture and typography, are unthinkable without the functional elegance pioneered by the Bauhaus.
Neil MacGregor focuses on the Bauhaus school of art and design, founded in Weimar in 1919. Our cities and houses today, our furniture and typography, are unthinkable without the functional elegance pioneered by the Bauhaus.
In Our Time - Atrocity in the 20th Century
Melvyn Bragg
Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the widespread and chilling atrocities of the 20th century.
Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the widespread and chilling atrocities of the 20th century.
In Our Time - Babylon
Melvyn Bragg
Six thousand years ago, between the Tigris and the Euphrates, the first cities were being built. The great empire to spring from the region was Babylon, which held sway for over a thousand years and in that time managed to garner an extraordinarily bad press: it’s associated with the Tower of Babel, with Nineveh where Jonah is sent to preach repentance and, perhaps most famously, with “Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth” - the whore of Babylon, who in Revelation is taken to personify the city itself. It’s not just the Bible; Herodotus described the Babylonians as effeminate, lascivious and decadent as well.
Six thousand years ago, between the Tigris and the Euphrates, the first cities were being built. The great empire to spring from the region was Babylon, which held sway for over a thousand years and in that time managed to garner an extraordinarily bad press: it’s associated with the Tower of Babel, with Nineveh where Jonah is sent to preach repentance and, perhaps most famously, with “Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth” - the whore of Babylon, who in Revelation is taken to personify the city itself. It’s not just the Bible; Herodotus described the Babylonians as effeminate, lascivious and decadent as well.
In Our Time - The Diet of Worms
Diarmaid MacCulloch, David Bagchi & Charlotte Methuen
Nestled on a bend of the River Rhine, in the South West corner of Germany, is the City of Worms. It’s one of the oldest cities in central Europe; it still has its early city walls, its 11th century Romanesque cathedral and a 500-year-old printing industry, but in its centre is a statue of the monk, heretic and founder of the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther. In 1521 Luther came to Worms to explain his attacks on the Catholic Church to the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, and the gathered dignitaries of the German lands. What happened at that meeting, called the Diet of Worms, tore countries apart, set nation against nation, felled kings and plunged dynasties into suicidal bouts of infighting.
Nestled on a bend of the River Rhine, in the South West corner of Germany, is the City of Worms. It’s one of the oldest cities in central Europe; it still has its early city walls, its 11th century Romanesque cathedral and a 500-year-old printing industry, but in its centre is a statue of the monk, heretic and founder of the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther. In 1521 Luther came to Worms to explain his attacks on the Catholic Church to the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, and the gathered dignitaries of the German lands. What happened at that meeting, called the Diet of Worms, tore countries apart, set nation against nation, felled kings and plunged dynasties into suicidal bouts of infighting.
Discover Britain's Historic Houses - Yorkshire
Simon Jenkins , Reader's Digest Ltd , 2005
Yorkshire covers a vast area and its varied landscapes, towns and cities hold many treasures to be discovered. In this book, 92 of the most impressive, interesting or unusual dwellings - from Castle Howard and magnificent Harewood to Wilberforce House in Hull and the Brontë parsonage at Haworth
- 0-276-44066-3 2502
- Special Interest
- Built Environment & Architecture
- Special Interest
- 1 copies
- C1 C2
Yorkshire covers a vast area and its varied landscapes, towns and cities hold many treasures to be discovered. In this book, 92 of the most impressive, interesting or unusual dwellings - from Castle Howard and magnificent Harewood to Wilberforce House in Hull and the Brontë parsonage at Haworth
Africa's Great Civilisations - Series 1: Episode 4: Cities
Henry Louis Gates Jr
This episode shines a light on the powerful, cosmopolitan cities that dotted Africa at the time when Europe was in its Middle Ages. From 1000 to 1600, commerce, wealth and prosperity expanded across Africa, building new cities and founding new powerful states that mark this golden age.
- TV-Recordings
- English subtitles
- 55
This episode shines a light on the powerful, cosmopolitan cities that dotted Africa at the time when Europe was in its Middle Ages. From 1000 to 1600, commerce, wealth and prosperity expanded across Africa, building new cities and founding new powerful states that mark this golden age.
Ancient Invisible Cities - Series 1
Dr Michael Scott
Historian Michael Scott explores deep underground using the latest laser-scanning technology and virtual reality to reveal the historical secrets of great cities.
- TV-Recordings
- English subtitles
- 180
Historian Michael Scott explores deep underground using the latest laser-scanning technology and virtual reality to reveal the historical secrets of great cities.
Ancient Invisible Cities - Series 1 - Episode 1 : Cairo
Dr Michael Scott
Dr Michael Scott uses the latest 3D-scanning technology to reveal the historical secrets of Cairo and Ancient Egypt.
- TV-Recordings
- English subtitles
- 60
Dr Michael Scott uses the latest 3D-scanning technology to reveal the historical secrets of Cairo and Ancient Egypt.
Ancient Invisible Cities - Series 1 - Episode 2 : Athens
Dr Michael Scott
Michael journeys into the landscape surrounding Athens, to the area of Laurion, 50 miles to the south of the city.
- TV-Recordings
- English subtitles
- 60
Michael journeys into the landscape surrounding Athens, to the area of Laurion, 50 miles to the south of the city.
Ancient Invisible Cities - Series 1 - Episode 3 : Istanbul
Dr Michael Scott
Classical historian Dr Michael Scott takes us on an extraordinary journey through the often-invisible treasures of one of the greatest ancient cities in the world - Istanbul.
- TV-Recordings
- English subtitles
- 60
Classical historian Dr Michael Scott takes us on an extraordinary journey through the often-invisible treasures of one of the greatest ancient cities in the world - Istanbul.
Ancient Worlds
Richard Miles
Archaeologist and historian Richard Miles explores the roots of civilisation in an epic series that runs from the creation of the first cities in Mesopotamia to the fall of the Roman Empire
- TV-Recordings
- English subtitles
- No
Archaeologist and historian Richard Miles explores the roots of civilisation in an epic series that runs from the creation of the first cities in Mesopotamia to the fall of the Roman Empire
Archaeologist and historian Richard Miles explores the roots of one of the most profound innovations in the human story - civilisation - in the first episode of an epic series that runs from the creation of the first cities in Mesopotamia some 6,000 years ago, to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.
- TV-Recordings
- Archaeology
- Classical Civilisation
- History
- TV-Recordings
- English subtitles
- 60
Archaeologist and historian Richard Miles explores the roots of one of the most profound innovations in the human story - civilisation - in the first episode of an epic series that runs from the creation of the first cities in Mesopotamia some 6,000 years ago, to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.
Andrew Marr's Megacities
Documentary series in which Andrew Marr finds out how some of the world's biggest cities feed, protect and move their citizens.
- TV-Recordings
- No subtitles
- No
Documentary series in which Andrew Marr finds out how some of the world's biggest cities feed, protect and move their citizens.
Safety and security are two of the biggest challenges faced by each and every metropolis. Whether earthquake, terrorism, flood or just crime, it\'s the geology, politics and social makeup of the megacities that make them some of the most profitable and dangerous places to live.
- TV-Recordings
- Built Environment & Architecture
- Geography
- TV-Recordings
- No subtitles
- 60
Safety and security are two of the biggest challenges faced by each and every metropolis. Whether earthquake, terrorism, flood or just crime, it\'s the geology, politics and social makeup of the megacities that make them some of the most profitable and dangerous places to live.
Andrew Marr looks at how people live in London, Dhaka, Tokyo, Mexico City and Shanghai.
- TV-Recordings
- Built Environment & Architecture
- Geography
- TV-Recordings
- No subtitles
- 60
Andrew Marr looks at how people live in London, Dhaka, Tokyo, Mexico City and Shanghai.
Andrew finds out how megacities stay fed, and joins Mexico City\'s traffic cops in the air.
- TV-Recordings
- Built Environment & Architecture
- Geography
- TV-Recordings
- No subtitles
- 60
Andrew finds out how megacities stay fed, and joins Mexico City\'s traffic cops in the air.
Giancarlo De Cataldo
A TV series based on the critically acclaimed best seller “Crimini” (2005). Cities like Palermo, Rome and Cagliari give the backdrop for these eight stories written by Italian most famous writers of noir literature.
- TV-Recordings
- No subtitles
- No
A TV series based on the critically acclaimed best seller “Crimini” (2005). Cities like Palermo, Rome and Cagliari give the backdrop for these eight stories written by Italian most famous writers of noir literature.
Crimini 01 - Il Bambino e la Befana
Giancarlo De Cataldo
A TV series based on the critically acclaimed best seller “Crimini” (2005). Cities like Palermo, Rome and Cagliari give the backdrop for these eight stories written by Italian most famous writers of noir literature. Written by Giancarlo De Cataldo is set in Rome.
- TV-Recordings
- No subtitles
- 96
A TV series based on the critically acclaimed best seller “Crimini” (2005). Cities like Palermo, Rome and Cagliari give the backdrop for these eight stories written by Italian most famous writers of noir literature. Written by Giancarlo De Cataldo is set in Rome.