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Design in Civil Engineering
Dr John Eyre
Diploma 2011/2012 23.01.12
- Engineering
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Diploma 2011/2012 23.01.12
Cleopatra: Interpreting Evidence from the Classical World
Prof Maria Wyke
UPCH 2009-2010
UPCH 2009-2010
Introduction to Telecommunications
John Mitchell
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Policy Challenges in an Ageing World
James Banks
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Cryptography, Computers & Number Theory
Dr John Talbot
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Ethics and Finance - A Preliminary Perspective
Peter J Clark
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Matters of Exchange: Commerce, Medicine & Science in the Dutch Golden Age
Professor Harold J Cook
Diploma 2009
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Terrorism and the Constitution (with transcript)
Rodney Austin
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GPC/Pre-sessional Lecture 2008
Dr John Mitchell
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GPC/Pre-sessional Lecture 2008
GPC/Pre-sessional Lecture 2008
GPC/Pre-sessional Lecture 2008
Introduction to Management (with transcript)
Richard Pettinger
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Archaeology of Roman London
Dr Gustav Milne
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Displaying the Languages of Ancient Egypt
Dr Stephen G. J. Quirke
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East Looks West : East European Travel Writing on the West
Dr Wendy Bracewell
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UPCH 2008