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  • Har­vard Writ­ing Pro­ject

A col­lec­tion of free down­load­able pdf books ex­plain­ing in de­tail how writ­ing is done in dif­fer­ent dis­ci­plines (see tags).

anthropologyart historyeconomicsgovernmenthistoryperformance studiesphilosophypsychologyreligious studiessciencesocial studiessociologywritingwriting in the disciplines

A col­lec­tion of free down­load­able pdf books ex­plain­ing in de­tail how writ­ing is done in dif­fer­ent dis­ci­plines (see tags).

The ques­tion of how to run a good so­ci­ety has puz­zled in­tel­lec­tu­als for cen­turies. Should we al­low gov­ern­ments to se­cure a bet­ter coun­try, or place our trust in the in­di­vid­ual?

The ques­tion of how to run a good so­ci­ety has puz­zled in­tel­lec­tu­als for cen­turies. Should we al­low gov­ern­ments to se­cure a bet­ter coun­try, or place our trust in the in­di­vid­ual?

  • El Con­greso de los Diputa­dos and El Senado de Es­paña

The Sen­ate is the Up­per House of the Cortes Gen­erales. The Con­gress of Deputies is the Lower House of the Cortes Gen­erales, the con­sti­tu­tional body that rep­re­sents the Span­ish peo­ple. It meets for ses­sions at the Pala­cio de las Cortes, lo­cated in the Plaza de las Cortes in Madrid.


The Sen­ate is the Up­per House of the Cortes Gen­erales. The Con­gress of Deputies is the Lower House of the Cortes Gen­erales, the con­sti­tu­tional body that rep­re­sents the Span­ish peo­ple. It meets for ses­sions at the Pala­cio de las Cortes, lo­cated in the Plaza de las Cortes in Madrid.

  • CBC Ra­dio Canada

So­ciété Ra­dio-Canada (SRC) in French or the Cana­dian Broad­cast­ing Cor­po­ra­tion (CBC) in Eng­lish is the old­est broad­cast­ing ser­vice in Canada and was cre­ated in 1936. The CBC, op­er­at­ing in­de­pen­dently of gov­ern­ment, has sev­eral ra­dio sta­tions, ter­res­trial and ca­ble tele­vi­sion net­works, in both French and Eng­lish.

francophonenationalnewsradio current affairs

So­ciété Ra­dio-Canada (SRC) in French or the Cana­dian Broad­cast­ing Cor­po­ra­tion (CBC) in Eng­lish is the old­est broad­cast­ing ser­vice in Canada and was cre­ated in 1936. The CBC, op­er­at­ing in­de­pen­dently of gov­ern­ment, has sev­eral ra­dio sta­tions, ter­res­trial and ca­ble tele­vi­sion net­works, in both French and Eng­lish.

  • Cen­tro Vir­tual Cer­vantes (Lan­guage Class­room)

Link to the lan­guage class­room and step-by-step read­ing guides from the Cer­vantes In­sti­tute (a non-profit or­ga­ni­za­tion cre­ated by the Span­ish gov­ern­ment to pro­mote the study and the teach­ing of Span­ish lan­guage and cul­ture). CVC is named af­ter Miguel de Cer­vantes (1547–1616), the au­thor of Don Quixote and per­haps the most im­por­tant fig­ure in the his­tory of Span­ish lit­er­a­ture. Click the link to find a va­ri­ety of fun re­sources to learn and prac­tice your Span­ish.


Link to the lan­guage class­room and step-by-step read­ing guides from the Cer­vantes In­sti­tute (a non-profit or­ga­ni­za­tion cre­ated by the Span­ish gov­ern­ment to pro­mote the study and the teach­ing of Span­ish lan­guage and cul­ture). CVC is named af­ter Miguel de Cer­vantes (1547–1616), the au­thor of Don Quixote and per­haps the most im­por­tant fig­ure in the his­tory of Span­ish lit­er­a­ture. Click the link to find a va­ri­ety of fun re­sources to learn and prac­tice your Span­ish.

  • Deutsche Welle (DW)

DW is Ger­many's pub­lic in­ter­na­tional broad­caster. DW's satel­lite tele­vi­sion ser­vice con­sists of chan­nels in Eng­lish, Ger­man, Span­ish, and Ara­bic. While funded by the Ger­man gov­ern­ment, the work of DW is reg­u­lated by the Deutsche Welle Act, mean­ing that con­tent is al­ways in­de­pen­dent of gov­ern­ment in­flu­ence. The web­site full of use­ful re­sources, par­tic­u­larly un­der the 'Learn­ing Ger­man' link.

commentarycurrent affairslanguage coursesnewspoliticsregional studiestv

DW is Ger­many's pub­lic in­ter­na­tional broad­caster. DW's satel­lite tele­vi­sion ser­vice con­sists of chan­nels in Eng­lish, Ger­man, Span­ish, and Ara­bic. While funded by the Ger­man gov­ern­ment, the work of DW is reg­u­lated by the Deutsche Welle Act, mean­ing that con­tent is al­ways in­de­pen­dent of gov­ern­ment in­flu­ence. The web­site full of use­ful re­sources, par­tic­u­larly un­der the 'Learn­ing Ger­man' link.

  • France's Prime Min­is­ter

News, gov­ern­ment ac­tion in­for­ma­tion, about the gov­ern­ment and an in­tro­duc­tion to France.

governmentintroductionmedia and news

News, gov­ern­ment ac­tion in­for­ma­tion, about the gov­ern­ment and an in­tro­duc­tion to France.

  • La Fran­coph­o­nie

The Or­gan­i­sa­tion in­ter­na­tionale de la Fran­coph­o­nie (OIF), gen­er­ally known as the Fran­coph­o­nie, but also called In­ter­na­tional Or­gan­i­sa­tion of La Fran­coph­o­nie in Eng­lish lan­guage con­text, is an in­ter­na­tional or­ga­ni­za­tion rep­re­sent­ing coun­tries and re­gions where French is a lin­gua franca or cus­tom­ary lan­guage, where a sig­nif­i­cant pro­por­tion of the pop­u­la­tion are fran­coph­o­nes (French speak­ers), or where there is a no­table af­fil­i­a­tion with French cul­ture.

arts and culturefrancophoneinternational

The Or­gan­i­sa­tion in­ter­na­tionale de la Fran­coph­o­nie (OIF), gen­er­ally known as the Fran­coph­o­nie, but also called In­ter­na­tional Or­gan­i­sa­tion of La Fran­coph­o­nie in Eng­lish lan­guage con­text, is an in­ter­na­tional or­ga­ni­za­tion rep­re­sent­ing coun­tries and re­gions where French is a lin­gua franca or cus­tom­ary lan­guage, where a sig­nif­i­cant pro­por­tion of the pop­u­la­tion are fran­coph­o­nes (French speak­ers), or where there is a no­table af­fil­i­a­tion with French cul­ture.

  • Min­istry of Eco­log­i­cal and Sol­i­dar­ity Tran­si­tion

Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion with re­gards to the French gov­ern­men­t's en­vi­ron­men­tal strat­egy. Pri­or­i­ties, news, and min­is­te­r­ial in­for­ma­tion.

current affairsecologyenvironmentnewsstrategy

Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion with re­gards to the French gov­ern­men­t's en­vi­ron­men­tal strat­egy. Pri­or­i­ties, news, and min­is­te­r­ial in­for­ma­tion.

  • Poder ju­di­cial de Es­paña

The ju­di­cial power of Spain is the set of courts and tri­bunals, com­posed of judges and mag­is­trates, who have the power to ad­min­is­ter jus­tice in the name of the king. For fur­ther in­for­ma­tion please use the link to ac­cess the of­fi­cial web­site.


The ju­di­cial power of Spain is the set of courts and tri­bunals, com­posed of judges and mag­is­trates, who have the power to ad­min­is­ter jus­tice in the name of the king. For fur­ther in­for­ma­tion please use the link to ac­cess the of­fi­cial web­site.

  • Pres­i­dency of the French Re­pub­lic

Re­leases, State­ments / Speeches, Press con­fer­ences, Coun­cil of Min­is­ters, and In­ter­view in­for­ma­tion.

governmentintroductionmedia and news

Re­leases, State­ments / Speeches, Press con­fer­ences, Coun­cil of Min­is­ters, and In­ter­view in­for­ma­tion.

  • Québec Por­tal - Ser­vices Québec

Gov­ern­ment web­site ded­i­cated to the re­gion of Québec. In­cludes French lan­guage in­for­ma­tion re­gard­ing cit­i­zens, en­ter­prise and in­ter­na­tional is­sues.


Gov­ern­ment web­site ded­i­cated to the re­gion of Québec. In­cludes French lan­guage in­for­ma­tion re­gard­ing cit­i­zens, en­ter­prise and in­ter­na­tional is­sues.

  • Span­ish So­cial­ist Work­ers' Party (PSOE) Web­site

The Span­ish So­cial­ist Work­ers' Party, is a so­cial-de­mo­c­ra­tic po­lit­i­cal party in Spain. PSOE formed the gov­ern­ment in de­mo­c­ra­tic Spain from 1982 to 1996 un­der Fe­lipe González, and from 2004 to 2011 un­der José Luis Ro­dríguez Za­p­a­tero. Find out more through their web­site.

The Span­ish So­cial­ist Work­ers' Party, is a so­cial-de­mo­c­ra­tic po­lit­i­cal party in Spain. PSOE formed the gov­ern­ment in de­mo­c­ra­tic Spain from 1982 to 1996 un­der Fe­lipe González, and from 2004 to 2011 un­der José Luis Ro­dríguez Za­p­a­tero. Find out more through their web­site.

  • The Eu­ro­pean Union

The Of­fi­cial web­site of the Eu­ro­pean Union.

The Of­fi­cial web­site of the Eu­ro­pean Union.

  • The Min­istry of the Over­seas Re­gions

In­for­ma­tion re­gard­ing French-ad­min­is­tered ter­ri­to­ries out­side the Eu­ro­pean con­ti­nent. These ter­ri­to­ries have vary­ing le­gal sta­tus and dif­fer­ent lev­els of au­ton­omy, al­though all (ex­cept those with no per­ma­nent in­hab­i­tants) have rep­re­sen­ta­tion in both France's Na­tional As­sem­bly and Sen­ate, which to­gether make up the French Par­lia­ment.

international relations

In­for­ma­tion re­gard­ing French-ad­min­is­tered ter­ri­to­ries out­side the Eu­ro­pean con­ti­nent. These ter­ri­to­ries have vary­ing le­gal sta­tus and dif­fer­ent lev­els of au­ton­omy, al­though all (ex­cept those with no per­ma­nent in­hab­i­tants) have rep­re­sen­ta­tion in both France's Na­tional As­sem­bly and Sen­ate, which to­gether make up the French Par­lia­ment.

  • Web Japan

Web Japan is spon­sored by the Japan­ese Min­istry of For­eign Af­fairs (MOFA) and op­er­ated by a Japan­ese non gov­ern­ment or­ga­ni­za­tion. The site pro­vides highly re­li­able in­for­ma­tion on Japan across many dif­fer­ent gen­res in­clud­ing cul­ture, sight­see­ing, so­ci­ety, his­tory and na­ture. The con­tent is pro­vided pri­mar­ily in Eng­lish, but a por­tion of the site is mul­ti­lin­gual.


Web Japan is spon­sored by the Japan­ese Min­istry of For­eign Af­fairs (MOFA) and op­er­ated by a Japan­ese non gov­ern­ment or­ga­ni­za­tion. The site pro­vides highly re­li­able in­for­ma­tion on Japan across many dif­fer­ent gen­res in­clud­ing cul­ture, sight­see­ing, so­ci­ety, his­tory and na­ture. The con­tent is pro­vided pri­mar­ily in Eng­lish, but a por­tion of the site is mul­ti­lin­gual.

Mem­bers of the ad­vo­cacy group ACT UP Paris de­mand ac­tion by the gov­ern­ment and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­nies to com­bat the AIDS epi­demic in the early 1990s.


Mem­bers of the ad­vo­cacy group ACT UP Paris de­mand ac­tion by the gov­ern­ment and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­nies to com­bat the AIDS epi­demic in the early 1990s.

In fu­ture Britain, charis­matic delin­quent Alex De­Large is jailed and vol­un­teers for an ex­per­i­men­tal aver­sion ther­apy de­vel­oped by the gov­ern­ment in an ef­fort to solve so­ci­ety's crime prob­lem... but not all goes to plan.

age: 18crimedramasci-fi

In fu­ture Britain, charis­matic delin­quent Alex De­Large is jailed and vol­un­teers for an ex­per­i­men­tal aver­sion ther­apy de­vel­oped by the gov­ern­ment in an ef­fort to solve so­ci­ety's crime prob­lem... but not all goes to plan.

In the fu­ture, the Japan­ese gov­ern­ment cap­tures a class of ninth-grade stu­dents and forces them to kill each other un­der the rev­o­lu­tion­ary "Bat­tle Royale" act.


In the fu­ture, the Japan­ese gov­ern­ment cap­tures a class of ninth-grade stu­dents and forces them to kill each other un­der the rev­o­lu­tion­ary "Bat­tle Royale" act.

A group of slack­ers face an army of zom­bies. The Cuban gov­ern­ment and me­dia claim the liv­ing dead are dis­si­dents re­volt­ing against the gov­ern­ment.


A group of slack­ers face an army of zom­bies. The Cuban gov­ern­ment and me­dia claim the liv­ing dead are dis­si­dents re­volt­ing against the gov­ern­ment.

April 1940. Nor­way has been in­vaded by Ger­many and the royal fam­ily and gov­ern­ment have fled into the in­te­rior. The Ger­man en­voy to Nor­way tries to ne­go­ti­ate a peace. Ul­ti­mately, the de­ci­sion on Nor­way's fu­ture will rest with the King.


April 1940. Nor­way has been in­vaded by Ger­many and the royal fam­ily and gov­ern­ment have fled into the in­te­rior. The Ger­man en­voy to Nor­way tries to ne­go­ti­ate a peace. Ul­ti­mately, the de­ci­sion on Nor­way's fu­ture will rest with the King.

  • Nord

  • Xavier Beauvois , 1991

A hap­less New York ad­ver­tis­ing ex­ec­u­tive is mis­taken for a gov­ern­ment agent by a group of for­eign spies, and is pur­sued across the coun­try while he looks for a way to sur­vive.


A hap­less New York ad­ver­tis­ing ex­ec­u­tive is mis­taken for a gov­ern­ment agent by a group of for­eign spies, and is pur­sued across the coun­try while he looks for a way to sur­vive.

A hap­less New York ad­ver­tis­ing ex­ec­u­tive is mis­taken for a gov­ern­ment agent by a group of for­eign spies, and is pur­sued across the coun­try while he looks for a way to sur­vive.

adventureage: parental guidancemysterythriller

A hap­less New York ad­ver­tis­ing ex­ec­u­tive is mis­taken for a gov­ern­ment agent by a group of for­eign spies, and is pur­sued across the coun­try while he looks for a way to sur­vive.

Set in 1980s Not­ting­ham, so­cial worker Mar­garet Humphreys holds the British gov­ern­ment ac­count­able for child mi­gra­tion schemes and re­unites the chil­dren in­volved -- now adults liv­ing mostly in Aus­tralia -- with their par­ents in Britain.


Set in 1980s Not­ting­ham, so­cial worker Mar­garet Humphreys holds the British gov­ern­ment ac­count­able for child mi­gra­tion schemes and re­unites the chil­dren in­volved -- now adults liv­ing mostly in Aus­tralia -- with their par­ents in Britain.

In the 1960\'s, en­cour­aged by the gov­ern­ment, a large num­ber of fam­i­lies leave Chi­nese cities to set­tle in the poorer re­gions of the coun­try, in or­der to de­velop lo­cal in­dus­try.

  • Films
  • English subtitles
  • 2005

In the 1960\'s, en­cour­aged by the gov­ern­ment, a large num­ber of fam­i­lies leave Chi­nese cities to set­tle in the poorer re­gions of the coun­try, in or­der to de­velop lo­cal in­dus­try.

Arche­ol­o­gist and ad­ven­turer In­di­ana Jones is hired by the US gov­ern­ment to find the Ark of the Covenant be­fore the Nazis.

actionadventureage: parental guidance

Arche­ol­o­gist and ad­ven­turer In­di­ana Jones is hired by the US gov­ern­ment to find the Ark of the Covenant be­fore the Nazis.