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Select one or more of these popular tags:

  • A Guide to Italian

10 facts, 20 key phrases and the alphabet

10 facts, 20 key phrases and the alphabet

  • Cool Italian

An essential guide to young Italian people*s slang

An essential guide to young Italian people*s slang

  • Italian for Work

A web resource for people using Italian in a business environment

A web resource for people using Italian in a business environment

  • Italianissimo

Have a look at the key language, watch and listen to the clips and read the transcript when needed

Have a look at the key language, watch and listen to the clips and read the transcript when needed

  • Quick Fix

Basic phrases, accommodation, food and drinks and other useful simple phrases

Basic phrases, accommodation, food and drinks and other useful simple phrases

  • Talk Italian

A lively introduction to the language in nine short parts. Watch and listen to the clips and have a look at the key language and transcripts if needed.

A lively introduction to the language in nine short parts. Watch and listen to the clips and have a look at the key language and transcripts if needed.