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  • Duzhe

Duzhe (in English, 'Readers') is the most widely circulated magazine in China. Duzhe contains original articles, summaries of popular articles, jokes, book excerpts, and other short pieces. It is often regarded as the Chinese equivalent to “The New Yorker.”

articlesjokesmagazinepopular articlesshort pieces

Duzhe (in English, 'Readers') is the most widely circulated magazine in China. Duzhe contains original articles, summaries of popular articles, jokes, book excerpts, and other short pieces. It is often regarded as the Chinese equivalent to “The New Yorker.”

  • Mandarin Daily News

The Mandarin Daily is a Taiwanese newspaper promoting Mandarin education. Mandarin Daily News is dedicated to cultural and educational journalism, focusing on topics such as lifestyle, youth, family, children's news, and children's and young people's classrooms.

children's newscultureeducationfamilylanguage learninglifestylenewspaperyouth

The Mandarin Daily is a Taiwanese newspaper promoting Mandarin education. Mandarin Daily News is dedicated to cultural and educational journalism, focusing on topics such as lifestyle, youth, family, children's news, and children's and young people's classrooms.

  • Rayli Magazine

Rayli Fashion and Beauty is one of the leading women’s fashion magazines in China. Rayli Magazine is the most widely circulated “glossy” magazine. Rayli Magazine House has five issues: 1. Rayli Fashion and Beauty (fashion for women), 2. Rayli Her Style (high-end fashion and lifestyle), 3. Rayli Fashion Pioneer (creative fashion for women), 4. Rayli Home Casaviva (home decoration and style), 5. LEON (fashion for men).

beautyfashionhome decorationlifestylemagazinemen's fashionstylewomen

Rayli Fashion and Beauty is one of the leading women’s fashion magazines in China. Rayli Magazine is the most widely circulated “glossy” magazine. Rayli Magazine House has five issues: 1. Rayli Fashion and Beauty (fashion for women), 2. Rayli Her Style (high-end fashion and lifestyle), 3. Rayli Fashion Pioneer (creative fashion for women), 4. Rayli Home Casaviva (home decoration and style), 5. LEON (fashion for men).