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  • Berlin Online

Main daily newspaper for Berlin, includes information about "what's on" in Berlin.

Main daily newspaper for Berlin, includes information about "what's on" in Berlin.

  • Bild

German daily tabloid, offering full colour news explosion on every page, focusing on the shocking and entertaining. News about German celebrities and rather conservative views on politics and social issues.

celebrity newsconservativetabloid

German daily tabloid, offering full colour news explosion on every page, focusing on the shocking and entertaining. News about German celebrities and rather conservative views on politics and social issues.

  • Brigitte

Lifestyle magazine for women focussing on fashion, beauty, travel, living, food, family etc. A great and fun way to build on your informal language and Germany's current popular culture knowledge.


Lifestyle magazine for women focussing on fashion, beauty, travel, living, food, family etc. A great and fun way to build on your informal language and Germany's current popular culture knowledge.

  • Cicero

Magazine for political culture, articles often written by high-profile guest authors. Eloquent writing - suitable for all levels but more so for intermediate or advanced learners.

culturedomestic policyeconomyforeign policyopinion

Magazine for political culture, articles often written by high-profile guest authors. Eloquent writing - suitable for all levels but more so for intermediate or advanced learners.

  • Computer Bild

German fortnightly computer magazine. It is the most widely read computer magazine in Europe and provides up-to-date information and background knowledge on the subjects of computers, telecommunications, online services and home electronics. Readers benefit from a multitude of reviews, courses and reports.


German fortnightly computer magazine. It is the most widely read computer magazine in Europe and provides up-to-date information and background knowledge on the subjects of computers, telecommunications, online services and home electronics. Readers benefit from a multitude of reviews, courses and reports.

  • Die Welt

German national daily newspaper with live TV news channel on its website. German and international current affairs, opinion pieces, arts and culture, finance and sports. Ideal to help you build your vocabulary at any level but particularly intermediate and advanced.

culturecurrent affairsnewsopinionpoliticssportstv

German national daily newspaper with live TV news channel on its website. German and international current affairs, opinion pieces, arts and culture, finance and sports. Ideal to help you build your vocabulary at any level but particularly intermediate and advanced.

  • FAZ

Frankfurt daily newspaper with an e-paper available. Includes both regional and national news and covers a vast variety of topics. Despite its conservative bias, the writing is eloquent with lots of literary references. For intermediate and advanced learners.

current affairseconomyfinancenewspoliticssocietysportsstyletechnologytravel

Frankfurt daily newspaper with an e-paper available. Includes both regional and national news and covers a vast variety of topics. Despite its conservative bias, the writing is eloquent with lots of literary references. For intermediate and advanced learners.

  • Focus

Focus is a German news-based publication, with an emphasis on economics and politics. Many of the pieces tend towards shorter formats rather than the long-form journalism showcased in Spiegel, which can be helpful if you’re scanning for information or want to test your vocabulary with a quick read. Staying informed on the German Wirtschaft (economy) can be particularly helpful for language learners who are active in business, hoping to get hired by German companies or have regular dealings with German clients.


Focus is a German news-based publication, with an emphasis on economics and politics. Many of the pieces tend towards shorter formats rather than the long-form journalism showcased in Spiegel, which can be helpful if you’re scanning for information or want to test your vocabulary with a quick read. Staying informed on the German Wirtschaft (economy) can be particularly helpful for language learners who are active in business, hoping to get hired by German companies or have regular dealings with German clients.

  • Frankfurter Rundschau Online

Daily Frankfurt Review with an e-paper available. Includes both regional and national news and covers a vast variety of topics.


Daily Frankfurt Review with an e-paper available. Includes both regional and national news and covers a vast variety of topics.

  • GEO

Educational magazine with detailed reports accompanied by professional photography (similar to National Geographic). Focuses on travelling, geography and nature. A great way to build both formal and informal scientific vocabulary and travelling phrases.

educationgeographynaturephotographysciencescience and naturetravel

Educational magazine with detailed reports accompanied by professional photography (similar to National Geographic). Focuses on travelling, geography and nature. A great way to build both formal and informal scientific vocabulary and travelling phrases.

  • Manager Magazin

German monthly business magazine focusing on business, finance and management. Ideal for familiarising yourself with Business and Finance terminology and vocabulary.


German monthly business magazine focusing on business, finance and management. Ideal for familiarising yourself with Business and Finance terminology and vocabulary.

  • Neon

Magazine where readers can post and discuss articles on the forums. For young people written by young people, Neon features plenty of strong photography. The writing focuses mainly on lifestyle, culture, travel, sexuality and humour, but heavier stories also make an appearance. This is your magazine if you want to learn to speak expressively about cultural issues. Or if you love random trivia – the regular feature Unnützes Wissen (useless knowledge) includes twenty laugh-out-loud facts relating to the silliest subjects.

cultural issuesculturehumourlifestylepop culturesexualitytravelvocabularyyoung readers

Magazine where readers can post and discuss articles on the forums. For young people written by young people, Neon features plenty of strong photography. The writing focuses mainly on lifestyle, culture, travel, sexuality and humour, but heavier stories also make an appearance. This is your magazine if you want to learn to speak expressively about cultural issues. Or if you love random trivia – the regular feature Unnützes Wissen (useless knowledge) includes twenty laugh-out-loud facts relating to the silliest subjects.

  • Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Swiss, German-language daily newspaper published in Zurich. The newspaper is known for its objectivity and detailed reports on international affairs, stock exchange, and for the intellectual, in-depth style of its articles. Great for intermediate and advanced learners and offering an alternative to all the Germany-based media listed here.

current affairsdomestic affairsinternational affairsnewsopinionpoliticsstock exchangeswitzerlandzurich

Swiss, German-language daily newspaper published in Zurich. The newspaper is known for its objectivity and detailed reports on international affairs, stock exchange, and for the intellectual, in-depth style of its articles. Great for intermediate and advanced learners and offering an alternative to all the Germany-based media listed here.

  • Schöner Wohnen

The most widely-read design magazine in Europe. Focuses on architecture, interior design and decorating ideas. A visually pleasing and interesting way to build your vocabulary on this topic.

architecturedesignfurnitureinterior design

The most widely-read design magazine in Europe. Focuses on architecture, interior design and decorating ideas. A visually pleasing and interesting way to build your vocabulary on this topic.

  • Spiegel

Der Spiegel is one of the foremost news magazines in the world, reporting on affairs of national and global significance and featuring strong investigative journalism. It is like a German blend of Time and Newsweek so German learners will pick up high-level analytical language, political terminology and a broad-based awareness of current events. Suitable for intermediate and advanced students.

current affairsnewspoliticsvocabulary

Der Spiegel is one of the foremost news magazines in the world, reporting on affairs of national and global significance and featuring strong investigative journalism. It is like a German blend of Time and Newsweek so German learners will pick up high-level analytical language, political terminology and a broad-based awareness of current events. Suitable for intermediate and advanced students.

  • Stern

German news magazine. Stern offers plenty of human interest pieces, cultural coverage and profiles of prominent people, generally accompanied by high-quality photo spreads. The language won’t be as challenging as the average article in Focus, but it can be a great publication for learning about significant figures in German society and is often entertaining as the overall tone is lighter than most of its news magazine competitors. For intermediate learners.

current affairsentertainmenthuman interestinterviewslifestylepoliticsvocabulary

German news magazine. Stern offers plenty of human interest pieces, cultural coverage and profiles of prominent people, generally accompanied by high-quality photo spreads. The language won’t be as challenging as the average article in Focus, but it can be a great publication for learning about significant figures in German society and is often entertaining as the overall tone is lighter than most of its news magazine competitors. For intermediate learners.

  • Süddeutsche Zeitung

South German newspaper - one of the largest daily newspapers in Germany.


South German newspaper - one of the largest daily newspapers in Germany.

  • taz (Die Tageszeitung)

Daily newspaper based in Berlin concerned with politics and social issues. taz is an alternative newspaper founded in West Berlin in 1978. Far more than any other newspaper listed here, they are concerned with societal injustice – whether it’s environmental, feminist, hetero-normative, or economic. Their Ausland section focuses on the inhumane conditions that prevail in many parts of the world today.

alternative newspaperberlinpoliticssocial issuessocietal injustice

Daily newspaper based in Berlin concerned with politics and social issues. taz is an alternative newspaper founded in West Berlin in 1978. Far more than any other newspaper listed here, they are concerned with societal injustice – whether it’s environmental, feminist, hetero-normative, or economic. Their Ausland section focuses on the inhumane conditions that prevail in many parts of the world today.

  • Think German

A website devoted to raising the profile of the German language among speakers of English through a series of events and projects. To promote the German language and the culture of German-speaking countries the Think German Network (TGN) initiative has been established by German Departments at universities across the United Kingdom in collaboration with the German, Austrian and Swiss Embassies and numerous British and German as well as Austrian and Swiss institutions.


A website devoted to raising the profile of the German language among speakers of English through a series of events and projects. To promote the German language and the culture of German-speaking countries the Think German Network (TGN) initiative has been established by German Departments at universities across the United Kingdom in collaboration with the German, Austrian and Swiss Embassies and numerous British and German as well as Austrian and Swiss institutions.

  • Zeit

German weekly newspaper offering a review of the week in politics and public affairs as they affect Europe and especially Germany. Die Zeit includes a weekly news magazine that gives extended treatment to major economic, political, and cultural topics beyond the coverage of related subjects in the newspaper itself. The site also includes a user friendly archives section.

artscommentaryculturecurrent affairsnewsopinionpolitics

German weekly newspaper offering a review of the week in politics and public affairs as they affect Europe and especially Germany. Die Zeit includes a weekly news magazine that gives extended treatment to major economic, political, and cultural topics beyond the coverage of related subjects in the newspaper itself. The site also includes a user friendly archives section.

  • Der Spiegel (Online Articles)

Der Spiegel is a German weekly magazine, published in Hamburg. It is one of Europe's largest weekly magazines with a weekly circulation of more than one million. Use UCL Library Services to ac­cess ar­ti­cles. Type Der Spiegel into Explore then view online. You will need to put in your UCL ID and Password. Click on Der Spiegel All Resources. Search within results in the left hand box.

magazinesnewpapersonline articles

Der Spiegel is a German weekly magazine, published in Hamburg. It is one of Europe's largest weekly magazines with a weekly circulation of more than one million. Use UCL Library Services to ac­cess ar­ti­cles. Type Der Spiegel into Explore then view online. You will need to put in your UCL ID and Password. Click on Der Spiegel All Resources. Search within results in the left hand box.

  • Der Spiegel (website)

Der Spiegel is a German weekly magazine, published in Hamburg. It is one of Europe's largest weekly magazines with a weekly circulation of more than one million.This is a link to the website where you will have lim­ited ac­cess to con­tent.

Der Spiegel is a German weekly magazine, published in Hamburg. It is one of Europe's largest weekly magazines with a weekly circulation of more than one million.This is a link to the website where you will have lim­ited ac­cess to con­tent.

  • Die Süddeutsche Zeitung (website)

The Süddeutsche Zeitung is the largest German national subscription daily newspaper. It is published in Munich, Germany's third largest city and capital of Bavaria. This is a link to the website where you will have lim­ited ac­cess to con­tent.

The Süddeutsche Zeitung is the largest German national subscription daily newspaper. It is published in Munich, Germany's third largest city and capital of Bavaria. This is a link to the website where you will have lim­ited ac­cess to con­tent.

  • Die Zeit (Online Articles)

Use UCL Library Services to ac­cess ar­ti­cles. Type Der Spiegel into Explore then view online. You will need to put in your UCL ID and Password. Click on Der Spiegel All Resources. Search within results in the left hand box.

magazinesnewpapersonline articles

Use UCL Library Services to ac­cess ar­ti­cles. Type Der Spiegel into Explore then view online. You will need to put in your UCL ID and Password. Click on Der Spiegel All Resources. Search within results in the left hand box.

  • Die Zeit (website)

Die Zeit is a German national weekly newspaper. The newspaper is known for its long and extensive articles. This is a link to the website where you will have limited access to content.


Die Zeit is a German national weekly newspaper. The newspaper is known for its long and extensive articles. This is a link to the website where you will have limited access to content.

  • Focus (website)

Focus is a German weekly newsmagazine published in Munich and distributed throughout Germany. It is the third-largest weekly newsmagazine in Germany. This is a link to the website where you will have lim­ited ac­cess to con­tent.


Focus is a German weekly newsmagazine published in Munich and distributed throughout Germany. It is the third-largest weekly newsmagazine in Germany. This is a link to the website where you will have lim­ited ac­cess to con­tent.

  • Frank­furter All­ge­meine Zeitung (website)

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung is a daily German newspaper founded in 1949. This is a link to the website where you will have limited access to content. To view the articles in depth use the (Online Articles) link


The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung is a daily German newspaper founded in 1949. This is a link to the website where you will have limited access to content. To view the articles in depth use the (Online Articles) link

  • Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Online Articles)

Click on the link to access today's articles (and search previous editions) via the ProQuest database. You will be asked for your UCL user ID and password.

magazinesnewpapersonline articles

Click on the link to access today's articles (and search previous editions) via the ProQuest database. You will be asked for your UCL user ID and password.