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- language portal offers you dictionary translations, language quizzes & games, vocabulary lessons for learning and much more. is interactive: You can enter your own translation, create your own language test or your own vocabulary flashcards. language portal offers you dictionary translations, language quizzes & games, vocabulary lessons for learning and much more. is interactive: You can enter your own translation, create your own language test or your own vocabulary flashcards.
A page about the Spanish language in Spain and Latin America. Roots, etymology, word of the day, and dictionaries.
A page about the Spanish language in Spain and Latin America. Roots, etymology, word of the day, and dictionaries.
A very useful English-Spanish and Spanish-English online dictionary.
A very useful English-Spanish and Spanish-English online dictionary.
A Spanish-English online dictionary with over 56,508 entries and over 10,369 audio pronunciations.
A Spanish-English online dictionary with over 56,508 entries and over 10,369 audio pronunciations.
Word Reference
A very useful English-Spanish and Spanish-English online dictionary.
A very useful English-Spanish and Spanish-English online dictionary.