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  • Calligraphy Qalam

Interactive tools and information to help you learn more about calligraphy in the Arab, Ottoman and Persian traditions.

Interactive tools and information to help you learn more about calligraphy in the Arab, Ottoman and Persian traditions.


Global Language Online Support System is a database of interactive language lessons from the Defense Language Institute. Lessons contain authentic audio and video texts, activities, glossaries, and links for further information on the topics.

activitiesaudioculturegrammarlanguage learningvideo

Global Language Online Support System is a database of interactive language lessons from the Defense Language Institute. Lessons contain authentic audio and video texts, activities, glossaries, and links for further information on the topics.

  • Near Eastern Culture

Articles on music, dancing and culture

Articles on music, dancing and culture

  • Open Culture

Links to free iTunes podcasts for learning Arabic

Links to free iTunes podcasts for learning Arabic

Three Palestinian women living in an apartment in Tel Aviv try to find a balance between traditional and modern culture.


Three Palestinian women living in an apartment in Tel Aviv try to find a balance between traditional and modern culture.