Les Rivières Pourpres (The Crimson Rivers) - Series 3 - Episode 1 - XXY
Jean-Christophe Grangé , , 2021
The bodies of two German tourists are found amid the wreckage of a fire. This horrific double murder leads the duo into a sinister world of leather tanning and neo-paganism.
- English subtitles
- 91
The bodies of two German tourists are found amid the wreckage of a fire. This horrific double murder leads the duo into a sinister world of leather tanning and neo-paganism.
Les Rivières Pourpres (The Crimson Rivers) - Series 3 - Episode 2 - Final Judgement Part 1
Jean-Christophe Grangé , , 2021
From a tough prison, convicted felon Marek calls Niemans to come and see him. Before Niemans can get there, Marek is seriously injured and another prisoner is dead. What is going on?
- English subtitles
- 46
From a tough prison, convicted felon Marek calls Niemans to come and see him. Before Niemans can get there, Marek is seriously injured and another prisoner is dead. What is going on?
Les Rivières Pourpres (The Crimson Rivers) - Series 3 - Episode 3 - Final Judgement Part 2
Jean-Christophe Grangé , , 2021
Niemans loses control when he finds out about Damien and winds up isolated. Camille is caught in a quandary after hearing the information from Kleinert and truly shocking news from Marek.
- English subtitles
- 46
Niemans loses control when he finds out about Damien and winds up isolated. Camille is caught in a quandary after hearing the information from Kleinert and truly shocking news from Marek.
Les Rivières Pourpres (The Crimson Rivers) - Series 3 - Episode 4 - Dark Moon Part 1
Jean-Christophe Grangé , , 2021
While Camille is holidaying on the English Channel, she meets Paul, whose pregnant wife has disappeared under strange circumstances. She calls Niemans for help.
- English subtitles
- No
While Camille is holidaying on the English Channel, she meets Paul, whose pregnant wife has disappeared under strange circumstances. She calls Niemans for help.
Les Rivières Pourpres (The Crimson Rivers) - Series 3 - Episode 5 - Dark Moon Part 2
Jean-Christophe Grangé , , 2021
A horrific discovery at Werner's property convinces Camille that the deaths are connected to the signs of the zodiac. Can Mrs Malarte enlighten the detectives?
- English subtitles
- 46
A horrific discovery at Werner's property convinces Camille that the deaths are connected to the signs of the zodiac. Can Mrs Malarte enlighten the detectives?
Les Rivières Pourpres (The Crimson Rivers) - Series 3 - Episode 6 - Redemption Part 1
Jean-Christophe Grangé , , 2021
Camille and Niemans go to meet Arnaud Morillon, a former colleague. They find his corpse, infected with black plague. How did this happen?
- English subtitles
- 45
Camille and Niemans go to meet Arnaud Morillon, a former colleague. They find his corpse, infected with black plague. How did this happen?
Les Rivières Pourpres (The Crimson Rivers) - Series 3 - Episode 7 - Redemption Part 2
Jean-Christophe Grangé , , 2021
The case is getting a little too close to home for Niemans as more infected victims are found. The media are not helping to keep the situation under wraps.
- English subtitles
- 46
The case is getting a little too close to home for Niemans as more infected victims are found. The media are not helping to keep the situation under wraps.