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A woman uncovers evidence of Danish soldiers being killed while fighting in Syria, despite there being no official acknowledgement of their involvement. Then she is kidnapped.

  • English subtitles
  • 44

A woman uncovers evidence of Danish soldiers being killed while fighting in Syria, despite there being no official acknowledgement of their involvement. Then she is kidnapped.

June escapes her captors. Now ex-detective Philip Norgaard and her hostage taker Mahdi are in a race to find her.

  • English subtitles
  • 44

June escapes her captors. Now ex-detective Philip Norgaard and her hostage taker Mahdi are in a race to find her.

June's kidnappers threaten to kill the ferry's passengers unless she gives herself up. Meanwhile, the authorities, alerted by a silent alarm, begin to prepare a plan of action.

  • English subtitles
  • 44

June's kidnappers threaten to kill the ferry's passengers unless she gives herself up. Meanwhile, the authorities, alerted by a silent alarm, begin to prepare a plan of action.

Yusuf warns Danish intelligence, if any attempt is made to rescue the ferry hostages, that they will all be killed. Back on shore, SP and Simon are visited by Mahdi's wife.

  • English subtitles
  • 44

Yusuf warns Danish intelligence, if any attempt is made to rescue the ferry hostages, that they will all be killed. Back on shore, SP and Simon are visited by Mahdi's wife.

Yusuf's fury is unleashed on June and Philip when he discovers she has not given him her correct mobile number. Meanwhile, Rami's behaviour becomes increasingly reckless.

  • English subtitles
  • 44

Yusuf's fury is unleashed on June and Philip when he discovers she has not given him her correct mobile number. Meanwhile, Rami's behaviour becomes increasingly reckless.

A woman's body is discovered in the forest with June's fingerprints on the murder weapon. Meanwhile, Yusuf uses Philip's phone to demand a plane.

  • English subtitles
  • 44

A woman's body is discovered in the forest with June's fingerprints on the murder weapon. Meanwhile, Yusuf uses Philip's phone to demand a plane.

As SP and Simon finally have a lead on the whereabouts of June's phone, Philip is told that the hostages have been booby-trapped with Yusuf threatening to detonate.

  • English subtitles
  • 44

As SP and Simon finally have a lead on the whereabouts of June's phone, Philip is told that the hostages have been booby-trapped with Yusuf threatening to detonate.

As the ferry docks in Provestenen, Beate greets Philip, who sees June chasing Rami in the distance. Grabbing a gun, he follows them into a dockside warehouse.

  • English subtitles
  • 44

As the ferry docks in Provestenen, Beate greets Philip, who sees June chasing Rami in the distance. Grabbing a gun, he follows them into a dockside warehouse.