1066 is not the best remembered date in British history for nothing. In the space of nine hours whilst the Battle of Hastings raged, everything changed. Anglo-Saxon England became Norman and, for the next 300 years, its fate was decided by dynasties of French rulers
- History
- English subtitles
- 54
1066 is not the best remembered date in British history for nothing. In the space of nine hours whilst the Battle of Hastings raged, everything changed. Anglo-Saxon England became Norman and, for the next 300 years, its fate was decided by dynasties of French rulers
A History of Britain - Series 1 - Episode 3 -Dynasty
Simon Schama
The documentary series taking a comprehensive look at British history. Henry II built a great medieval empire - which was then torn apart by his scheming family.
- History
- English subtitles
- 60
The documentary series taking a comprehensive look at British history. Henry II built a great medieval empire - which was then torn apart by his scheming family.
The story of Edward I - the Hammer of the Scots - whose attempts to force English rule on Scotland and Wales strengthened the identities of all the British nations.
- History
- English subtitles
- 59
The story of Edward I - the Hammer of the Scots - whose attempts to force English rule on Scotland and Wales strengthened the identities of all the British nations.
Why Britain was immune to the French Revolution's call - liberty, equality and fraternity.
- History
- No subtitles
- 54
Why Britain was immune to the French Revolution's call - liberty, equality and fraternity.
Simon Schama looks at the Victorian era, and the huge impact made by women of the period.
- History
- English subtitles
- 54
Simon Schama looks at the Victorian era, and the huge impact made by women of the period.
Simon Schama reveals how the noble intentions of the British Empire were undermined.
- History
- English subtitles
- 54
Simon Schama reveals how the noble intentions of the British Empire were undermined.
Simon Schama examines the lives of two figures: Winston Churchill and George Orwell.
- History
- Politics & Public Policy
- No subtitles
- 54
Simon Schama examines the lives of two figures: Winston Churchill and George Orwell.