Select one or more of these popular tags:
A fun app (also website) to help you learn a new language through structured courses. The free version is limited but still useful.
A fun app (also website) to help you learn a new language through structured courses. The free version is limited but still useful.
English Club
Many general and business English lessons with online activities. A huge range of resources.
Many general and business English lessons with online activities. A huge range of resources.
English Online France
Lots of online exercises divided into the categories of grammar, pronunciation, Academic English reading & writing and listening. Aimed at school level.
Lots of online exercises divided into the categories of grammar, pronunciation, Academic English reading & writing and listening. Aimed at school level.
A fun app (also website) to help you learn a new language through structured courses. There is a pay version, but the free version still has a lot of content.
A fun app (also website) to help you learn a new language through structured courses. There is a pay version, but the free version still has a lot of content.
Open Culture
List of free resources for learning general English, including podcasts on listening, speaking, writing and grammar
List of free resources for learning general English, including podcasts on listening, speaking, writing and grammar
UCL Lunch Hour Lectures
A large collection of lectures from UCL academics
A large collection of lectures from UCL academics
Voice of America Learning English
Practise your English using Voice of America news reports with helpful vocabulary lists.
Practise your English using Voice of America news reports with helpful vocabulary lists.
British Council Learn English
Listening, grammar, vocab, games, IELTS and business. There is a charge for the courses.
Listening, grammar, vocab, games, IELTS and business. There is a charge for the courses.
Videos with transcripts and quizzes - listening comprehension
Videos with transcripts and quizzes - listening comprehension
English Central
Many short video lessons with exercises graded by level to help you improve your general English. Requires registration.
Many short video lessons with exercises graded by level to help you improve your general English. Requires registration.
ESOL Courses
Free English courses online - all levels
Free English courses online - all levels
LibriVox provides free audiobooks from the public domain. There are several options for listening - you can download the files or listen to them online
LibriVox provides free audiobooks from the public domain. There are several options for listening - you can download the files or listen to them online
Lit2Go is a free online collection of stories and poems in Mp3 (audiobook) format. An abstract, citation, playing time, and word count are given for each of the passages. Many of the passages also have a related reading strategy identified. Each reading passage can also be downloaded as a PDF and printed for use as a read-along or as supplemental reading material for your classroom.
Lit2Go is a free online collection of stories and poems in Mp3 (audiobook) format. An abstract, citation, playing time, and word count are given for each of the passages. Many of the passages also have a related reading strategy identified. Each reading passage can also be downloaded as a PDF and printed for use as a read-along or as supplemental reading material for your classroom.
Recent news videos with transcripts
Recent news videos with transcripts
Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab
A collection of over 50 authentic listening exercises.
A collection of over 50 authentic listening exercises.