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  • Germany Inside Out

  • BBC

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Inside the Mind of Leonardo is based on the artist's private journals dating from the Italian Renaissance. With more than 6,000 pages of handwritten notes and drawings, da Vinci's private journals are the most comprehensive documents that chronicle the work of the world's most renowned inventor, philosopher, painter, and genius.

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  • 85
artistbiographyinventorleonardo da vinciphilosophy

Inside the Mind of Leonardo is based on the artist's private journals dating from the Italian Renaissance. With more than 6,000 pages of handwritten notes and drawings, da Vinci's private journals are the most comprehensive documents that chronicle the work of the world's most renowned inventor, philosopher, painter, and genius.

Digitalization has changed society. While data is becoming the "new oil", data protection is becoming the new "pollution control". This creative documentary opens an astonishing inside view into the lawmaking milieu on EU level. A compelling story of how a group of politicians try to protect todays society against the impact of Big Data and mass surveillance.

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  • 100
dataeuropean unionpolicy makingpolitics

Digitalization has changed society. While data is becoming the "new oil", data protection is becoming the new "pollution control". This creative documentary opens an astonishing inside view into the lawmaking milieu on EU level. A compelling story of how a group of politicians try to protect todays society against the impact of Big Data and mass surveillance.

  • In Berlin

  • Michael Ballhaus More at IMDbPro » Michael Ballhaus , 2009

A look at how the capital of Germany has evolved since the collapse of the Berlin Wall.

  • French subtitles
  • 97

A look at how the capital of Germany has evolved since the collapse of the Berlin Wall.

  • Infomarkt

  • Sabine Hampel & Stephan Schlentrich

  • No subtitles
  • 44

  • Julia Bradbury's German Wanderlust

  • BBC 4 , 2010

Julia Bradbury takes her boots and backpack to the Continent to explore the landscape of Germany and the cultural movement that made it famous - Romanticism. She takes a two-day walk along part of the Upper Middle Rhine.

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  • No

Julia Bradbury takes her boots and backpack to the Continent to explore the landscape of Germany and the cultural movement that made it famous - Romanticism. She takes a two-day walk along part of the Upper Middle Rhine.

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  • 34

For over 20 years, the UN con­fer­ence on cli­mate change chained them­selves, with­out suc­cess. What will hap­pen to the COP21 in Paris in late 2015? In view of this ma­jor peak, lead­ing sci­en­tists are work­ing for months on a num­ber of sce­nar­ios to halve our cur­rent CO2 emis­sions. Ideas, so­lu­tions, they have! Will they be lis­tened to?

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  • 136
air pollutionclimateclimate changeglobal warmingpolicysummit 2015

For over 20 years, the UN con­fer­ence on cli­mate change chained them­selves, with­out suc­cess. What will hap­pen to the COP21 in Paris in late 2015? In view of this ma­jor peak, lead­ing sci­en­tists are work­ing for months on a num­ber of sce­nar­ios to halve our cur­rent CO2 emis­sions. Ideas, so­lu­tions, they have! Will they be lis­tened to?

Documentary which looks at how a radical generation of musicians created a new German musical identity out of the cultural ruins of war.

  • English subtitles
  • 60

Documentary which looks at how a radical generation of musicians created a new German musical identity out of the cultural ruins of war.

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  • 40

TV documentary about the historical and political background to everyday life in the German Democratic Republic from 1949 onwards.

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TV documentary about the historical and political background to everyday life in the German Democratic Republic from 1949 onwards.

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  • 101

  • Meine DDR

  • Kathrin Pitterling, Kristin Siebert, Michael Heuer,

TV Documentary about life in the former German Democratic Republic.

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  • 90

TV Documentary about life in the former German Democratic Republic.

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  • 42

On 29 May 2014 ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst, NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman and Maxim Surajew took off from the Russian space agency Roskosmos for six months on the International Space Station. Still fascinated people of space exploration. What was the mission of the astronauts? And what about the life of an astronaut on the ISS really?

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  • 55
international space stationsciencespacespace science

On 29 May 2014 ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst, NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman and Maxim Surajew took off from the Russian space agency Roskosmos for six months on the International Space Station. Still fascinated people of space exploration. What was the mission of the astronauts? And what about the life of an astronaut on the ISS really?

Mit der Internationalen Raumstation ISS ist der Menschheitstraum von der Eroberung des Weltalls Wirklichkeit geworden - und ein einmaliger Blick auf unseren Planeten. Esa-Astronaut Alexander Gerst war als dritter Deutscher zusammen mit seinem Nasa-Kollegen Reid Wiseman 2014 für sechs Monate zum Außenposten der Menschheit aufgebrochen - und hat die Zuschauer mitgenommen.

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  • 44

Mit der Internationalen Raumstation ISS ist der Menschheitstraum von der Eroberung des Weltalls Wirklichkeit geworden - und ein einmaliger Blick auf unseren Planeten. Esa-Astronaut Alexander Gerst war als dritter Deutscher zusammen mit seinem Nasa-Kollegen Reid Wiseman 2014 für sechs Monate zum Außenposten der Menschheit aufgebrochen - und hat die Zuschauer mitgenommen.

Albert Einstein ist ein Popstar der Wissenschaft, um den sich etliche Legenden ranken. Erst posthum treten mit der Herausgabe privater Dokumente die nicht nur strahlenden Seiten des Jahrhundert-Genies ans Licht. Wer war dieser Mann, der wie kein anderer Triumph und Tragik des 20. Jahrhunderts verkörpert hat? Und was hat er uns heute noch zu sagen? "Mythos Einstein" begibt sich auf eine Reise durch das Leben des Physikers und spürt den wahren und erfundenen Geschichten um das Genie nach.

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  • 90
biographyeinsteinhistory of sciencephysicsscience

Albert Einstein ist ein Popstar der Wissenschaft, um den sich etliche Legenden ranken. Erst posthum treten mit der Herausgabe privater Dokumente die nicht nur strahlenden Seiten des Jahrhundert-Genies ans Licht. Wer war dieser Mann, der wie kein anderer Triumph und Tragik des 20. Jahrhunderts verkörpert hat? Und was hat er uns heute noch zu sagen? "Mythos Einstein" begibt sich auf eine Reise durch das Leben des Physikers und spürt den wahren und erfundenen Geschichten um das Genie nach.

Current affairs news item which looks at the visit made by President Obama to Germany in March 2009 and explores the relationship between the new administration and what this means for Germany.

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Current affairs news item which looks at the visit made by President Obama to Germany in March 2009 and explores the relationship between the new administration and what this means for Germany.

Examines the key moments that shaped President-elect Donald Trump through interviews with advisors, business associates and biographers. These stories reveal how Trump transformed himself from a real estate developer to entertainer to the next president of the United States of America.

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americaelection 2016politicstrumpusa

Examines the key moments that shaped President-elect Donald Trump through interviews with advisors, business associates and biographers. These stories reveal how Trump transformed himself from a real estate developer to entertainer to the next president of the United States of America.

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In this frank Oscar winning documentary, the story of a young taxi driver in Afghanistan provides the framework for an examination of unprecedented US government policies that include a rejection of the Geneva Conventions.

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In this frank Oscar winning documentary, the story of a young taxi driver in Afghanistan provides the framework for an examination of unprecedented US government policies that include a rejection of the Geneva Conventions.

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  • 30

  • The Art of Germany

  • BBC 4 , 2010

Andrew Graham-Dixon looks at the art of the German middle ages and Renaissance.

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Andrew Graham-Dixon looks at the art of the German middle ages and Renaissance.

A look at the implication for Britain and France if the UK decide to leave the European Union.

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  • No

A look at the implication for Britain and France if the UK decide to leave the European Union.

Documentary and footage from of the attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York in 2001.

  • German subtitles
  • 95

Documentary and footage from of the attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York in 2001.

Sein Einfluss und seine Musik sind bis heute präsent und spiegeln sich im Erfolg junger österreichischer Bands wider – gerade erst wurden fünf seiner Alben wieder neu aufgelegt. Falco war Österreichs größter Popstar und einer der wichtigsten europäischen Musiker seiner Zeit. In der Dokumentation erzählen enge Wegbegleiter vom Alltag und der Arbeit mit dem exzentrischen Künstler.

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  • 52

Sein Einfluss und seine Musik sind bis heute präsent und spiegeln sich im Erfolg junger österreichischer Bands wider – gerade erst wurden fünf seiner Alben wieder neu aufgelegt. Falco war Österreichs größter Popstar und einer der wichtigsten europäischen Musiker seiner Zeit. In der Dokumentation erzählen enge Wegbegleiter vom Alltag und der Arbeit mit dem exzentrischen Künstler.