Preussen - Seine Wirkung auf die deutsche Geschichte
Karl Dietrich Erdmann, Raymond Aron, Thomas Nipperdey & Lothar Gall , Klett-Cotta , 1982
This book examines the effect of the Prussian state on German and European history, beginning with the formation of Brandenburg-Prussia in 1618. This small kingdom then achieved independence from the Holy Roman Empire, establishing itself as one of Europe’s major military powers under the Fredericks, the most famous of whom was Frederick the Great. Prussia reached the peak of its power under Bismarck, who made it the dominant state of the German Empire and one of the world's
- 3-608-93023-X 2258
- 1 copies
- C1 C2
This book examines the effect of the Prussian state on German and European history, beginning with the formation of Brandenburg-Prussia in 1618. This small kingdom then achieved independence from the Holy Roman Empire, establishing itself as one of Europe’s major military powers under the Fredericks, the most famous of whom was Frederick the Great. Prussia reached the peak of its power under Bismarck, who made it the dominant state of the German Empire and one of the world's
Prosa der Gegenwart
Gudrun Isaak & Susan Ray , Langenscheidt , 1985
Collection of contemporary German prose from four German-speaking countries (West and East Germany, Austria and Switzerland), primarily intended as an intermediate reader. With exercises and vocabulary practice. 1985.
- 3-468-49789-X 404
- 1 copies
- B2 C1
Collection of contemporary German prose from four German-speaking countries (West and East Germany, Austria and Switzerland), primarily intended as an intermediate reader. With exercises and vocabulary practice. 1985.
Reading German History - Key and Study Tips
Karin Hermann , Hueber , 1992
Accompanies the course book, which develops reading comprehension in German through systematic practice. Building on the similarities found in English and German, the carefully graded texts and well-designed exercises enable the student to make rapid progress. 1988.
- 3-190-11458-7 2109
- 1 copies
- A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
Accompanies the course book, which develops reading comprehension in German through systematic practice. Building on the similarities found in English and German, the carefully graded texts and well-designed exercises enable the student to make rapid progress. 1988.
Johannes Conrad , Eulenspiegel Verlag , 1997
The musings of a real-life theatre-actor on treading the boards behind and in front of the curtain.
- 3-359-00899-5 101256
- 1 copies
- C1 C2
The musings of a real-life theatre-actor on treading the boards behind and in front of the curtain.
Sicher ist nur eins. Buch und Audio-CD: Carsten Tsara blickt nicht durch. Niveaustufe A2
Franz Specht , Hueber Verlag Gmbh & Co K , 2007
The story for those with knowledge of German at A2 level. The book contains a monolingual translation more difficult vocabulary and reading comprehension exercises. The main character is a thirty-something detective thriller Carsten Tsara who trusts his intuition and decisions. In one of the companies gina important files. Who's behind this? Certain is only that of Walter Dessauer lose their jobs if the detective will not solve the riddle.
- 9783190416691 108313
- 1 copies
- A2
The story for those with knowledge of German at A2 level. The book contains a monolingual translation more difficult vocabulary and reading comprehension exercises. The main character is a thirty-something detective thriller Carsten Tsara who trusts his intuition and decisions. In one of the companies gina important files. Who's behind this? Certain is only that of Walter Dessauer lose their jobs if the detective will not solve the riddle.
Sommerhaus Spaete
Judith Hermann , Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH; 6th edition , 1999
Set mainly in Berlin, this collection of short stories follows twenty-somethings as they try to add meaning into their lives. The backdrop is modern urban life, the characters see and experience the world of love, drugs, careers and family life we are all familiar with but they come to us with questioning wisdom, they show us their mistakes and flaws.
- 9783596223947 104166
- 1 copies
Set mainly in Berlin, this collection of short stories follows twenty-somethings as they try to add meaning into their lives. The backdrop is modern urban life, the characters see and experience the world of love, drugs, careers and family life we are all familiar with but they come to us with questioning wisdom, they show us their mistakes and flaws.
Stimmt's? Moderne Legenden im Test
Christoph Drösser , Rowohlt , 1998
A collection of short answers to everyday life questions: Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? Can you really see the Great Wall of China from Space?
- 3-499-60728-X 101262
- 1 copies
- C1 C2
A collection of short answers to everyday life questions: Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? Can you really see the Great Wall of China from Space?
The New Germany Votes - Unification and the Creation of a New German Party System
Russell J. Dalton (ed.) , Berg , 1993
Examines the process of German unification from the perspective of the political parties, their votes and the parliamentary system. 1993.
- 0-854-96386-3 519
- 1 copies
- A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
Examines the process of German unification from the perspective of the political parties, their votes and the parliamentary system. 1993.
Till Eulenspiegel
Gisela Betke Nielsen , European Schoolbooks Publishing Ltd , 1963
Some of the adventures of the well-known medieval jester Till Eulenspiegel.
- 0-850-48523-1 2114
- 1 copies
- A2 B1
Some of the adventures of the well-known medieval jester Till Eulenspiegel.
Town Ship Blues
Lutz Van Dijk , Elefanten Press Bei Bertelsmann , 2001
Thinasonke is thirteen, born in prison. Along with her mother, her older brother Mangaliso, three younger siblings and her grandma, she lives in Guguletu, one of the townships on the edge of Cape Town where violence is omnipresent.
- 3570145999 8763
- 1 copies
Thinasonke is thirteen, born in prison. Along with her mother, her older brother Mangaliso, three younger siblings and her grandma, she lives in Guguletu, one of the townships on the edge of Cape Town where violence is omnipresent.
Twentieth Centry German Verse
Patrick Bridgewater (ed.) , Penguin Books Ltd , 1988
Collection of 20th-century German verse (Rilke, Hesse, Trakl, Benn, Brecht, Enzensberger, etc.) 1963
- none 60
- 1 copies
- C1 C2
Collection of 20th-century German verse (Rilke, Hesse, Trakl, Benn, Brecht, Enzensberger, etc.) 1963
Verhüllter Reichstag / Wrapped Reichstag. Berlin 1971-1995
Christo & JeanneClaude , Taschen , 1995
Art book about the conception and realisation of Christo's Wrapped Reichstag project in Berlin in the period 1971 to 1995
- 3-822-88683-1 8
- 1 copies
- A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
Art book about the conception and realisation of Christo's Wrapped Reichstag project in Berlin in the period 1971 to 1995
Cornelia Franz , , 2000
At an auction, Jan discovers paintings that used to belong to his parents, who claimed that they’d been destroyed in a fire. When Jan begins to question his parents they remain evasive – so he starts his own investigation and discovers dark secrets and links to the Nazi-regime. Disgusted, he runs away. On his road trip he meets and falls in love with Sunny but all the unanswered questions keep pulling him back.
- 3-423-78153-X 5313
- 1 copies
- B1 B2
At an auction, Jan discovers paintings that used to belong to his parents, who claimed that they’d been destroyed in a fire. When Jan begins to question his parents they remain evasive – so he starts his own investigation and discovers dark secrets and links to the Nazi-regime. Disgusted, he runs away. On his road trip he meets and falls in love with Sunny but all the unanswered questions keep pulling him back.
Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse.
Sigmund Freud, , Fischer (Tb.), Frankfurt , 1996
Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse mit drei Teilen: Fehlleistung - Traum - Allgemeine Neurosenlehre, Nachdruck des Originals von 1920.
- 9783596104321 114136
- 1 copies
Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse mit drei Teilen: Fehlleistung - Traum - Allgemeine Neurosenlehre, Nachdruck des Originals von 1920.
Vorstadt Krokodile - Eine Geschichte vom Aufpassen
Max von der Grün , , 2000
First published in 1976, Vorstadtkrokodile is the moving story of a ten year-old disabled boy’s attempt to join a gang through a test of courage, which ultimately leads him into danger and causes him to question who his real friends are.
- 3-570-07698-9 5308
- 1 copies
- B1 B2
First published in 1976, Vorstadtkrokodile is the moving story of a ten year-old disabled boy’s attempt to join a gang through a test of courage, which ultimately leads him into danger and causes him to question who his real friends are.