Select one or more of these popular tags:
Les Objets du XXème Siècle
René Frydman , 2000
Series looking at objects of the twentieth century.
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Series looking at objects of the twentieth century.
Manet - Regards sur la Peinture
DB Arts Films , 2000
In French but can be interesting to watch for all levels if interested in painting
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In French but can be interesting to watch for all levels if interested in painting
Marie Antoinette
David Grubin , 2006
This was a very human account of the lives and deaths of Marie Antoinette and Louis the XVI focusing primarily on Marie. It is an account of their lives from birth to death and the circumstances leading to the downfall of the French monarchy.
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This was a very human account of the lives and deaths of Marie Antoinette and Louis the XVI focusing primarily on Marie. It is an account of their lives from birth to death and the circumstances leading to the downfall of the French monarchy.
Marie Curie, au-delà du mythe
Arte , 2011
Intimate portrait of the scientist and Nobel Prize winner.
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Intimate portrait of the scientist and Nobel Prize winner.
Marilyn, dernières séances
Patrick Jeudy , 2008
A very good documentary about the icon of Hollywood, Marilyn Monroe. This documentary takes the viewer to Marilyn's life full of glamour and private despair.
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A very good documentary about the icon of Hollywood, Marilyn Monroe. This documentary takes the viewer to Marilyn's life full of glamour and private despair.
Misson Dans L'Espace
Jurgen Hansen , 2014
On 29 May 2014 ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst, NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman and Maxim Surajew took off from the Russian space agency Roskosmos for six months on the International Space Station. Still fascinated people of space exploration. What was the mission of the astronauts? And what about the life of an astronaut on the ISS really?
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On 29 May 2014 ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst, NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman and Maxim Surajew took off from the Russian space agency Roskosmos for six months on the International Space Station. Still fascinated people of space exploration. What was the mission of the astronauts? And what about the life of an astronaut on the ISS really?
Mythe Einstein - la vie et l'œuvre d'un rebelle
Sylvia Strasser Wolfgang Würker , 2015
Who was this man who embodies like no other triumph and tragedy of the 20th century? And what he has to say to us today? "Myth Einstein" embarks on a journey through the life of the physicist and feel the true and invented stories about the genius after.
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Who was this man who embodies like no other triumph and tragedy of the 20th century? And what he has to say to us today? "Myth Einstein" embarks on a journey through the life of the physicist and feel the true and invented stories about the genius after.
Nos ancêtres les Gauloises
TV 5 Monnde , 2011
en French women of foreign origin take the stage for the first time and tell their story. They are aged between 40 to 74, it is their first adventure in theater and they take this opportunity to share their experiences and their relatives to the general public by answering questions as "how can we be French? "
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en French women of foreign origin take the stage for the first time and tell their story. They are aged between 40 to 74, it is their first adventure in theater and they take this opportunity to share their experiences and their relatives to the general public by answering questions as "how can we be French? "
Jacques Cluzaud , 2011
Jacques Cluzaud et Jacques Perrin ont à côté d'un film créé sur la base de 490 heures d'imagerie fascinante un souffle voler série documentaire qui examine la question: Comment l'écosystème océanique et comment ses habitants vivent? Cette partie suit les baleines, les requins et les thons avec les courants océaniques.
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Jacques Cluzaud et Jacques Perrin ont à côté d'un film créé sur la base de 490 heures d'imagerie fascinante un souffle voler série documentaire qui examine la question: Comment l'écosystème océanique et comment ses habitants vivent? Cette partie suit les baleines, les requins et les thons avec les courants océaniques.
Pirates Les Nouveaux Brigands des mers du Monde
Arte , 2008
A documentary charting the rise of piratering in the modern world.
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A documentary charting the rise of piratering in the modern world.
Portraits d'Alain Cavalier
Alain Cavalier
Director Alain Cavalier describes his beloved Paris through portraits of various women
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Director Alain Cavalier describes his beloved Paris through portraits of various women
Président Donald Trump
Michael Kirk , 2016
Examines the key moments that shaped President-elect Donald Trump through interviews with advisors, business associates and biographers. These stories reveal how Trump transformed himself from a real estate developer to entertainer to the next president of the United States of America.
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Examines the key moments that shaped President-elect Donald Trump through interviews with advisors, business associates and biographers. These stories reveal how Trump transformed himself from a real estate developer to entertainer to the next president of the United States of America.
Résistance aux Antibiotiques
Bruce Mohun , 2015
This Documentary presents research on bacteriophages - infested naturally occurring viruses which infect bacteria - that allow certain resistances could be finally defeated.
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This Documentary presents research on bacteriophages - infested naturally occurring viruses which infect bacteria - that allow certain resistances could be finally defeated.
Révoltes urbaines : au delà des préjugés ?
Arte , 2010
France in 2005, Greece in 2008, China in 2010. Urban riots have become a global phenomenon. Is there a common thread between them? What do they say about our society? What do the rioters? "Thema" gives voice to a young angry.
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France in 2005, Greece in 2008, China in 2010. Urban riots have become a global phenomenon. Is there a common thread between them? What do they say about our society? What do the rioters? "Thema" gives voice to a young angry.
S-21, la machine de mort Khmère rouge
Rithy Panh , 2003
Documentary about the S-21 genocide prison in Phnom Penh with interviews of prisoners and guards. On the search for reasons why this could have happened.
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Documentary about the S-21 genocide prison in Phnom Penh with interviews of prisoners and guards. On the search for reasons why this could have happened.
Salafistes a la Hausse
Arte , 2015
Salafists are the fastest growing religious group in Europe. Your goal is to "reshape" the society according to their ideas. Salafism is an expression of Islamism, in which the return to life of the pious ancestors is required.
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Salafists are the fastest growing religious group in Europe. Your goal is to "reshape" the society according to their ideas. Salafism is an expression of Islamism, in which the return to life of the pious ancestors is required.
Sirius: An Apocalyptic Order
Nicolas Brénéol , 2024
Mass suicide or massacre? The almost unbelievable story of the Order of the Solar Temple, an obscure death cult that shocked the world.
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Mass suicide or massacre? The almost unbelievable story of the Order of the Solar Temple, an obscure death cult that shocked the world.
The French Connection
Hiedi Perry , 2008
BBC Learning Zone explores the vibrant culture of the French speaking world meeting a whole host of artist bound by one common language.
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BBC Learning Zone explores the vibrant culture of the French speaking world meeting a whole host of artist bound by one common language.
Tin Tin and Me
BBC 4 , 2011
Documentary about Belgium's greatest boy detective and his creator Herge, as related in a rare taped interview by journalist Numa Sadoul. Featuring groundbreaking animation in which footage of Herge is synchronised to fit the audio interview, plus an interview with Tin Tin expert
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Documentary about Belgium's greatest boy detective and his creator Herge, as related in a rare taped interview by journalist Numa Sadoul. Featuring groundbreaking animation in which footage of Herge is synchronised to fit the audio interview, plus an interview with Tin Tin expert
To Leave or Not Leave
Don Kent , 2016
A look at the implication for Britain and France if the UK decide to leave the European Union.
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A look at the implication for Britain and France if the UK decide to leave the European Union.
Arte , 2009
Portrait of a key architect of the Russian Revolution, Lev Bronstein, alias Trotsky, strategist days in October 1917, assassinated in Mexico in 1940 on Stalin's orders.
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Portrait of a key architect of the Russian Revolution, Lev Bronstein, alias Trotsky, strategist days in October 1917, assassinated in Mexico in 1940 on Stalin's orders.
UE: Peu de temps avant le crash?
Annalisa Piras Bill Emmott , 2014
Authored documentary by Italian director Annalisa Piras and former editor of The Economist Bill Emmott, which explores the crisis facing Europe. Through case studies of citizens in different countries, the film explores a range of factors that have led to the present crisis, economic and identity challenges across Europe.
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Authored documentary by Italian director Annalisa Piras and former editor of The Economist Bill Emmott, which explores the crisis facing Europe. Through case studies of citizens in different countries, the film explores a range of factors that have led to the present crisis, economic and identity challenges across Europe.
Un Taxi Pour L'enfer
Alex Gibney , 2007
In this frank Oscar winning documentary, the story of a young taxi driver in Afghanistan provides the framework for an examination of unprecedented US government policies that include a rejection of the Geneva Conventions.
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In this frank Oscar winning documentary, the story of a young taxi driver in Afghanistan provides the framework for an examination of unprecedented US government policies that include a rejection of the Geneva Conventions.
Une contre-histoire de l'Internet
Sylvain Bergère , 2013
This documentary traces the history of the Internet from a rarely heard perspective : it focuses on the people involved in its design and on political activists and hacktivists who use it , and defend the ideal.
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This documentary traces the history of the Internet from a rarely heard perspective : it focuses on the people involved in its design and on political activists and hacktivists who use it , and defend the ideal.
United States of Obama
Stéphanie Kaïm , 2010
After the honeymoon in 2008, what are the relations between Europe and the United States?
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After the honeymoon in 2008, what are the relations between Europe and the United States?
Versus: The Life and Films of Ken Loach
Louise Osmond , 2016
Documentary on the life and times of Ken Loach. His politics in British TV and Cinema and the chaos he has caused the establishment for 50 years.
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Documentary on the life and times of Ken Loach. His politics in British TV and Cinema and the chaos he has caused the establishment for 50 years.
Voyager: Aux Confins du Systeme Solaire
Chris Riley , 2014
This is the story of the most extraordinary journey in human exploration, the Voyager space mission. In 1977 two unmanned spacecraft were launched by NASA, heading for distant worlds. It would be the first time any man-made object would ever visit the farthest planets of the solar system - Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. On the way the Voyagers would be bombarded by space dust, fried by radiation and discover many of the remarkable wonders of the solar system.
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This is the story of the most extraordinary journey in human exploration, the Voyager space mission. In 1977 two unmanned spacecraft were launched by NASA, heading for distant worlds. It would be the first time any man-made object would ever visit the farthest planets of the solar system - Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. On the way the Voyagers would be bombarded by space dust, fried by radiation and discover many of the remarkable wonders of the solar system.
White Terror
Daniel Schweizer , 2005
A video about Neo-Nazis originating in Sweden provides the starting point of an investigation of extremists' networks in Europe, North America and Russia. Their propaganda is a message of hatred, war and segregation.
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A video about Neo-Nazis originating in Sweden provides the starting point of an investigation of extremists' networks in Europe, North America and Russia. Their propaganda is a message of hatred, war and segregation.