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  • Unreported World 2010

  • Channel 4

Un­re­ported World is a for­eign af­fairs pro­gramme broad­cast by Chan­nel 4 in the United King­dom. Over the course of its thirty-one se­ries, re­porters have trav­elled to dan­ger­ous lo­ca­tions all over the world in an at­tempt to un­cover sto­ries usu­ally ig­nored by the world me­dia.

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  • No
foreign affairsunreported world

Un­re­ported World is a for­eign af­fairs pro­gramme broad­cast by Chan­nel 4 in the United King­dom. Over the course of its thirty-one se­ries, re­porters have trav­elled to dan­ger­ous lo­ca­tions all over the world in an at­tempt to un­cover sto­ries usu­ally ig­nored by the world me­dia.

  • Unreported World 2011

  • Channel 4

Un­re­ported World is a for­eign af­fairs pro­gramme broad­cast by Chan­nel 4 in the United King­dom. Over the course of its thirty-one se­ries, re­porters have trav­elled to dan­ger­ous lo­ca­tions all over the world in an at­tempt to un­cover sto­ries usu­ally ig­nored by the world me­dia.

  • No subtitles
  • No
foreign affairsunreported world

Un­re­ported World is a for­eign af­fairs pro­gramme broad­cast by Chan­nel 4 in the United King­dom. Over the course of its thirty-one se­ries, re­porters have trav­elled to dan­ger­ous lo­ca­tions all over the world in an at­tempt to un­cover sto­ries usu­ally ig­nored by the world me­dia.

  • Unreported World 2012

  • Channel 4

Un­re­ported World is a for­eign af­fairs pro­gramme broad­cast by Chan­nel 4 in the United King­dom. Over the course of its thirty-one se­ries, re­porters have trav­elled to dan­ger­ous lo­ca­tions all over the world in an at­tempt to un­cover sto­ries usu­ally ig­nored by the world me­dia.

  • No subtitles
  • No
foreign affairsunreported world

Un­re­ported World is a for­eign af­fairs pro­gramme broad­cast by Chan­nel 4 in the United King­dom. Over the course of its thirty-one se­ries, re­porters have trav­elled to dan­ger­ous lo­ca­tions all over the world in an at­tempt to un­cover sto­ries usu­ally ig­nored by the world me­dia.

  • Unreported World 2013

  • Channel 4

Un­re­ported World is a for­eign af­fairs pro­gramme broad­cast by Chan­nel 4 in the United King­dom. Over the course of its thirty-one se­ries, re­porters have trav­elled to dan­ger­ous lo­ca­tions all over the world in an at­tempt to un­cover sto­ries usu­ally ig­nored by the world me­dia.

  • No subtitles
  • No
foreign affairsunreported world

Un­re­ported World is a for­eign af­fairs pro­gramme broad­cast by Chan­nel 4 in the United King­dom. Over the course of its thirty-one se­ries, re­porters have trav­elled to dan­ger­ous lo­ca­tions all over the world in an at­tempt to un­cover sto­ries usu­ally ig­nored by the world me­dia.

  • Unreported World 2015

  • Channel 4

Un­re­ported World is a for­eign af­fairs pro­gramme broad­cast by Chan­nel 4 in the United King­dom. Over the course of its thirty-one se­ries, re­porters have trav­elled to dan­ger­ous lo­ca­tions all over the world in an at­tempt to un­cover sto­ries usu­ally ig­nored by the world me­dia.

  • No subtitles
  • No
foreign affairsunreported world

Un­re­ported World is a for­eign af­fairs pro­gramme broad­cast by Chan­nel 4 in the United King­dom. Over the course of its thirty-one se­ries, re­porters have trav­elled to dan­ger­ous lo­ca­tions all over the world in an at­tempt to un­cover sto­ries usu­ally ig­nored by the world me­dia.

  • Africa: A Journey into Music - Series 1

  • Clare Tavernor

Documentary series exploring the musical traditions of African countries and their influence on popular music.

  • English subtitles
  • 180
africaarts and culturemusic

Documentary series exploring the musical traditions of African countries and their influence on popular music.

A deeply personal portrait of a football icon who died tragically young, with rare archive footage and contributions from his family, friends and fans.

  • English subtitles
  • 94
biographybobby moorebritish historyfootballsport

A deeply personal portrait of a football icon who died tragically young, with rare archive footage and contributions from his family, friends and fans.

A documentary about World War I with never-before-seen footage to commemorate the centennial of the end of the war.

  • English subtitles
  • 99
british historyeuropean historyhistorywarww1

A documentary about World War I with never-before-seen footage to commemorate the centennial of the end of the war.

  • House of Saud: A Family at War

  • John O'Kane

Documentary series looking at the challenges facing the new Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, 32-year-old Mohammed bin Salman, who has pledged to transform the country.

  • English subtitles
  • 180
crown princesaudi arabia

Documentary series looking at the challenges facing the new Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, 32-year-old Mohammed bin Salman, who has pledged to transform the country.

The story of the five fires that foretold and might have prevented the Grenfell Tower disaster, in which 72 people died.

  • English subtitles
  • 60
british historyclassgrenfellhdhousinginequaltypoliticsrace

The story of the five fires that foretold and might have prevented the Grenfell Tower disaster, in which 72 people died.

  • A Dangerous Dynasty: House of Assad

  • BBC

The inside story of a family dynasty at the heart of one of the world's biggest problems.

  • English subtitles
  • 180
assadcivil warhistorypoliticssyria

The inside story of a family dynasty at the heart of one of the world's biggest problems.

  • Magic Numbers: Hannah Fry's Mysterious World of Maths

  • BBC

Documentary series in which Dr Hannah Fry explores the mystery of maths. Is it invented like a language or is it discovered and part of the fabric of the universe?

  • English subtitles
  • 180
mathematicsscience and nature

Documentary series in which Dr Hannah Fry explores the mystery of maths. Is it invented like a language or is it discovered and part of the fabric of the universe?

Documentary. British rapper Rodney P tells the story of how grime rose from the council estates of east London to become the most important British musical movement since punk.

  • English subtitles
  • 60

Documentary. British rapper Rodney P tells the story of how grime rose from the council estates of east London to become the most important British musical movement since punk.

Could the power of fake pills be used to treat some of our most common medical complaints? To find out, Dr Michael Mosley embarks on Britain's largest ever trial to investigate the placebo effect.

horizonmedical sciencesmedicinenhspainplacebo

Could the power of fake pills be used to treat some of our most common medical complaints? To find out, Dr Michael Mosley embarks on Britain's largest ever trial to investigate the placebo effect.

  • Can you feel it - How Dance Music Conquered the World

The story of the dance revolution - the beat, the clubs and the DJs that changed music culture forever.

  • No subtitles
  • 180
dance musichistory of musicmusicyouth culture

The story of the dance revolution - the beat, the clubs and the DJs that changed music culture forever.

Ten years on from the global financial crash, this documentary tells the extraordinary story of how a small Scottish bank briefly grew to become the biggest in the world before collapsing and triggering the largest financial bail-out in British history.

  • English subtitles
  • 59

Ten years on from the global financial crash, this documentary tells the extraordinary story of how a small Scottish bank briefly grew to become the biggest in the world before collapsing and triggering the largest financial bail-out in British history.

The Day the Dinosaurs Died investigates the greatest vanishing act in the history of our planet - the sudden disappearance of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.

  • English subtitles
  • 60
dinosaurshdhistorynatural world

The Day the Dinosaurs Died investigates the greatest vanishing act in the history of our planet - the sudden disappearance of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.

  • Ancient Invisible Cities - Series 1

  • Dr Michael Scott

Historian Michael Scott explores deep underground using the latest laser-scanning technology and virtual reality to reveal the historical secrets of great cities.

  • English subtitles
  • 180
ancient historyarchaeologyclassical worldhd

Historian Michael Scott explores deep underground using the latest laser-scanning technology and virtual reality to reveal the historical secrets of great cities.

The story of how we defeated the first great man-made threat to our planet's environment: the hole in the ozone layer

  • English subtitles
  • 47
climate changeclimate sciencehdozone layer

The story of how we defeated the first great man-made threat to our planet's environment: the hole in the ozone layer

Star Men celebrates the history of stargazing - the inventions and discoveries that have enabled us to learn so much about the universe, but more importantly to understand how much more we have yet to discover.

  • English subtitles
  • 60
astronomyspacespace exploration

Star Men celebrates the history of stargazing - the inventions and discoveries that have enabled us to learn so much about the universe, but more importantly to understand how much more we have yet to discover.

In the 1970s, America was one nation under a groove as an irresistible new style of music took hold of the country - funk. The music burst out of the black community at a time of self-discovery, struggle and social change.

  • English subtitles
  • 60

In the 1970s, America was one nation under a groove as an irresistible new style of music took hold of the country - funk. The music burst out of the black community at a time of self-discovery, struggle and social change.

'To send a spacecraft there is a little bit insane,' says Scott Bolton when talking about Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. But that is exactly what he has done, because Scott is head of Juno, the Nasa mission designed to peer through Jupiter's swirling clouds and reveal the wonders within.

  • English subtitles
  • 60
astronomyengineeringhdhorizonjupitersciencespacespace exploration

'To send a spacecraft there is a little bit insane,' says Scott Bolton when talking about Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. But that is exactly what he has done, because Scott is head of Juno, the Nasa mission designed to peer through Jupiter's swirling clouds and reveal the wonders within.

  • Africa's Great Civilisations

  • Henry Louis Gates Jr

The award-winning film-maker and academic Henry Louis Gates Jr takes a new look at the history of Africa, from the birth of humankind to the dawn of the 20th century.

  • English subtitles
  • 350
africahistoryhistory africa

The award-winning film-maker and academic Henry Louis Gates Jr takes a new look at the history of Africa, from the birth of humankind to the dawn of the 20th century.

Documentary looking at the life and times of Bill Shankly, Liverpool FC's legendary Scottish manager. Gaining promotion from the old English second division, Shankly forged two great sides at Liverpool, winning numerous trophies along the way. A product of his working-class roots in Ayrshire, his career in management spanned a period when football was very much the people's game.

  • English subtitles
  • 90
bill shanklyfootballhdhistoryliverpoolsport

Documentary looking at the life and times of Bill Shankly, Liverpool FC's legendary Scottish manager. Gaining promotion from the old English second division, Shankly forged two great sides at Liverpool, winning numerous trophies along the way. A product of his working-class roots in Ayrshire, his career in management spanned a period when football was very much the people's game.

  • The Five Billion Pound Super Sewer

  • BBC

Following workers across the capital for three years as they race to build an enormous super sewer on time and on budget.

civil engineeringengineeringhdhealth and public policylondonsewerage

Following workers across the capital for three years as they race to build an enormous super sewer on time and on budget.

  • The NHS: A People's History

  • BBC

A crowdsourced social history of the NHS, told through people's treasured mementoes, whether they be the unsung medical heroes of the staff or the experiences of the patients.

  • English subtitles
  • 180
healthmedical professionnhspolitics and public policyuk history

A crowdsourced social history of the NHS, told through people's treasured mementoes, whether they be the unsung medical heroes of the staff or the experiences of the patients.

  • Reporting Trump's First Year: The Fourth Estate

  • Liz Garbus

Following the inner workings of The New York Times, one of the most prolific American media outlets, during the first 12 months of Donald Trump's presidency.

  • English subtitles
  • 240
donald trumphdjournalismmedia studiesnewspaperpoliticsusa

Following the inner workings of The New York Times, one of the most prolific American media outlets, during the first 12 months of Donald Trump's presidency.

Time travel is not forbidden by the laws of nature, but to build a time machine, we would need to understand more about those laws and how to subvert them than we do now. And every day, science does learn more.

hdhorizonphysicssciencescience fiction

Time travel is not forbidden by the laws of nature, but to build a time machine, we would need to understand more about those laws and how to subvert them than we do now. And every day, science does learn more.

  • Inside the American Embassy

  • Channel 4

Observational documentary series with unprecedented access to the American embassy, providing a behind-the-scenes view of diplomacy in the age of Trump

donald trumphdpoliticsusa uk relations

Observational documentary series with unprecedented access to the American embassy, providing a behind-the-scenes view of diplomacy in the age of Trump

To mark the 70th anniversary of the birth of the NHS, acclaimed poet Owen Sheers takes us on a journey that weaves the extraordinary story of the birthing of Nye Bevan's vision of free healthcare for all people with personal stories of the NHS in British society today.

  • English subtitles
  • 59
british historyhdhealth.poetrynational health servicenhspolitics

To mark the 70th anniversary of the birth of the NHS, acclaimed poet Owen Sheers takes us on a journey that weaves the extraordinary story of the birthing of Nye Bevan's vision of free healthcare for all people with personal stories of the NHS in British society today.