Writing at University: a Guide for Students
A classic handbook of academic writing focusing on both the written text and the proccess. Particulary strong on writing in different disciplines - ebook (requires library login)
A classic handbook of academic writing focusing on both the written text and the proccess. Particulary strong on writing in different disciplines - ebook (requires library login)
Writing Book Reviews in Political Science
A very brief guide to writing book reviews in Political Science including suggestions for criteria to judge the book organisation of the book review.
A very brief guide to writing book reviews in Political Science including suggestions for criteria to judge the book organisation of the book review.
Writing up Your University Assignments and Research Projects
Divided into two parts: the fundamentals of academic writing (focusing on the text) and putting together your research (focusing on the process) - ebook (requires library login).
Divided into two parts: the fundamentals of academic writing (focusing on the text) and putting together your research (focusing on the process) - ebook (requires library login).