What does London owe to slavery?

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Before you watch the lecture, it is important that you understand 10 key words. For each of the definitions below, choose the correct word.

image source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:BLAKE10.JPG

1. To end an activity or custom officially.

discontinue terminate
cease abolish

2. The number of people in a place when compared with the size of the place.

density rate
population census

3. The process of giving people social or political freedom and rights.

expulsion emancipation
release exile

4. Belonging or relating to an empire.

imperial empirical
regal republican

5. A country or area which is controlled politically by another more powerful and often distant country.

region province
colony zone

6. Based on what is experienced or seen rather than on theory

empirical practical
imperial experiential

7. Something that is part of your history or which stays from an earlier time.

historical souvenir
ancient legacy

8. The richest, most powerful, or best educated group in a society.

elite majority
aristocracy oligarchy

9. Money that is paid to someone in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some problem.

refund compensation
bursary fee

10. To organise something so that it makes a profit

standardisation franchise
privatisation commercialisation


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