The Northern Utopia: what is distinctive about the Nordic countries?

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Before you watch the lecture, it is important that you understand 10 key words. For each of the definitions below, choose the correct word.

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1. Business term for a unique or particular image identifying a product and differentiating it from its competitors. Over time, this unique image becomes associated with a level of credibility, quality, and satisfaction in a consumer's mind.

stereotype brand
label make

2. A mental impression of someone/ something's total personality, including qualities and shortcomings (real or imaginary).

appearance picture
image identity

3. Term coined by Sir Thomas More in 1516 for an ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects.

utopia heaven
paradise dystopia

4. A simplified, standardized opinion or image of something/ someone, held in common by members of a group.

representation stereotype
cliché categorisation

5. A social system in which the state takes primary responsibility for the economic and social well-being of its citizens.

welfare state nanny state
social security social services

6. Doing well, being wealthy and/ or successful.

prospective privileged
abundant prosperous

7. A kind of settlement of differences in which each party involved makes concessions to find something midway between two or more different things.

cooperation agreement
compromise resolution

8. The state, policy or position of not being allied with or committed to any particular side in a dispute, conflict or war.

partiality tolerance
detachment neutrality

9. Of characteristic or typical features used to help distinguish a person or thing from something else.

distinctive different
original distensible

10. A sentimental longing for things, persons or situations of the past.

craving reminiscence
regret nostalgia


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