Is Human Evolution Over?

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Before you watch the lecture, it is important that you understand 10 key words. For each of the definitions below, choose the correct word.

image source: wikipedia

1. The gradual development of living organisms over many years as they adapt to changes in their environment.

natural selection evolution
genetics isolation

2. The study of methods to improve the mental and physical characteristics of the human race by choosing who may become parents or not.

artificial Intelligence natural selection
evolution eugenics

3. A process in which the genetic material of a person, a plant or an animal changes in structure when it is passed on to children, etc., causing different physical characteristics to develop.

evolution isolation
transformation mutation

4. Substance carrying organism’s genetic information.

gene RNA
DNA cell

5. An imaginary place or state in which everything is perfect.

oligarchy dystopia
wales utopia

6. The scientific study of the ways in which different characteristics are passed from each generation of living things to the next.

evolution genetics
natural selection transformation

7. The belief that God made the world as described in the Bible.

evolution creationism
genetics eugenics

8. The process by which some plants, animals, are able to adapt to their environment in order to survive and reproduce, while the others disappear.

natural selection evolution
isolation creation

9. The separation of somebody/something; the state of being separate.

natural selection mutation
evolution isolation

10. A cell that is produced by a male and that can combine with a female egg to produce young.

egg Y cell
sperm X cell


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