Redefining Normality: Key Words

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Before you watch the lecture, it is important that you understand some key words. For each definition, choose the correct word below.

image source:

1. A translucent screen used to select the wavelengths of light allowed to reach a photosensitive material.

filter shadow
board ghost image

2. The circumstances which surround a particular situation.

surroundings background
context filter

3. Something we think we see, but do not "really" see.

dream reality
visual illusion

4. To place two things next to each other, highlighting a contrast.

compare define
mirror juxtapose

5. The act of becoming aware of the existence of something in the world.

perception realisation
imagination visualisation

6. A unit of intensity of light.

wave photon
brightness particle

7. How insects such as bees search for food, by looking in different places and gathering what they need.

forage cultivate
hunt harvest

8. The place where honey bees live.

box nest
hive den

9. What does the colloquial word "critter" mean?

a machine a robot
an insect a living creature

10. What is a stimulus? (Plural: stimuli)

Something which looks real, but is not. Something which provokes a response.
Something which you can use to write with. Something which produces light.

11. Which part of the eye is the 'retina'?

The lining at the back, inside the eyeball The clear liquid inside the eyeball
The black hole at the front of the eye The coloured muscles at the front of the eye

12. Which of the following words refers to a transparent, geometrically shaped solid crystal?

a prism a cell
a prison a beam

13. What does someone do if they 'blink'?

close one eye and keep it closed quickly close both eyes then open them again
close both eyes and keep them closed quickly close one eye then open it again


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